nestjs microservice transport layer for Amazon Web Services Simple Queue System
Custom transporter for nestjs microservices built on top of AWS Simple Queue Service
This package is a lightweight implementation of Custom Transport Strategy and ClientProxy for AWS SQS. It has been made to fulfill needs of an internal project and thus is not yet made to cover all aspect of Transport strategies as NestJS provide. (i.e MessagePattern is not supported). This package is under development as the project relying on is growing.
The package provide support for consuming multiple SQS queues (normal & FIFO) just by providing the queue name inside @EventPattern
@EventPattern('<queue-name>.fifo') // Here the framework will look for messages inside the <queue-name>.fifo queue
To Access your Message.Body use the @Payload decorator like this
async myHandler(@Payload() payload: MyPayloadType) {
You can also access the SQSContext containing the rest of AWS ReceiveMessage Information doing the following
async myHandler(@Payload() payload: MyPayloadType, @Ctx() ctx: SQSContext) {
ctx.getQueueName() // will give you the value of the queue you are listening to
ctx.getAwsDetails() // will give you fileds part of the ReceiveMessage listened by the server
To configure the transport layer you need to do the following
strategy: new ServerSQS({
sqsUri: 'AWS_SQS_QUEUE_URI', // https://sqs.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/<account-id>
region: 'AWS_SQS_REGION', // eu-west-3
apiVersion: 'AWS_SQS_API_VERSION', // 2012-11-05
There are other options described into the SQSOptions interface.
To configure the ClientProxy to emit to a SQS queue, you can do the following in the constructor of your controller/service
this.sqsClient = new ClientSQS({
region: 'AWS_SQS_REGION',
apiVersion: 'AWS_SQS_API_VERSION',
perSendMessageUniqIdOptions: { // this option allows you to ask for uniq id compute for aws sqs parameters that you want
MessageDeduplicationId: true, // if you want a uniq id for MessageDeduplicationId set this to true
MessageGroupId: true, // if you want a uniq id for MessageGroupId set this to true
serializer: new OutboundMessageIdentitySerializer(), // The serializer provided by the package for the ClientProxy is mandatory
After configuring your sqsClient, you can emit to a SQS Queue doing the following
this.sqsClient.emit(queueName, payload) // simple way passing your payload. It will be available in Message.Body of the AWS SendMessage Message
// If you want to add custom AWS parameters you can pass them on your payload and the serializer ill look for them to create corresponding aws parameters for the SendMessage
// see the serializer for supported parameters
this.sqsClient.emit(queueName, { ...payload, MessageAttributes: { '<your attribute>': { "DataType": "String", "StringValue": "<string value>" } } })
Feel free to open issues for improvement either bugfixing or new feature (such as @MessagePattern support)
There is no clear roadmap since it has been develop for a project purpose that do not benefit for more utilities than what the package offers as of today. But feel free to open issues for any needs Unit tests will be available soon.
If you want to contribute to the package to help me solving issues, please email me at [email protected]
Authors and acknowledgment
This package has been made by mho96 [email protected]
This package is under a MIT License
Project status
Under Development