Library for interacting with MetriVerse
metrilib is a library which can be used to interact with MetriVerse core contracts.
npm install --save @metrixcoin/metrilib
Example usage
const network = 'MainNet'; // can be 'MainNet' or 'TestNet'
// const mrpc = new MetrixRPCNode(
// null,
// 'http://localhost:33841',
// 'rpcuser',
// 'rpcpass'
// );
// const sender = 'maTQfd4w7mqCzGL32RgBFMYY9ehCmjLEGf'; // sending address which the wallet controls the keys for
// const provider = new RPCProvider(network, mrpc, sender); // create a read/write provider using a local wallet daemon (usually used server side)
// const provider = new Web3Provider(network); // create a read/write provider using web3 (MetriMask) (always used client side)
const provider = new APIProvider(network); // create a readonly provider using the explorer API (usually used client side)
const tokenId = `0x${BigInt(0).toString(16)}`; // the token id (uint256) as a hex string
const tokenAddress = '848b9ec4299dac31d21c5db87add813d0cfc58c5' // PyroPets mainnet address
const nft = new MRC721(tokenAddress, provider);
const name = await nft.name(); // PyroPets
const symbol = await nft.symbol(); // PYRO
const totalSupply = await nft.totalSupply(); // bigint of the total supply
const tokenURI = await nft.tokenURI(tokenId); // https://pyropets.org/api/metadata/MainNet/0
const mrc20Address = 'fb26a19c8c75cc4a7dfc95260cd838bf204cf1af' // Embers mainnet address
const mrc20 = new MRC20(mrc20Address, provider);
const nft = new MRC721(tokenAddress, provider);
const tknName = await mrc20.name(); // Embers
const tknSymbol = await mrc20.symbol(); // MBRS
const decimals = await mrc20.decimals() // 0
const tknTotalSupply = await mrc20.totalSupply(); // bigint of the total supply,
// this unit will be the smallest unit
// and dependent on the number of decimal places
// this unit would represent satoshis when dealing
// with MRX, which has 8 decimal places