An engine that reads the accelerometer data from the device, calculates position, and applies it to a DOM element.
This package takes acceleromter data from your device, calculates position, and applies it to a DOM element. Applications inlcude gaming, user interface controls, and more.
Change log
Version 3.3.0: request device motion permission bug fix
It numerically integrates the velocity and position, in real time, from the accelerometer data from the device.
npm install @methodswithclass/accelerometer
import Accelerometer, { ValidStatus } from @methodswithclass/accelerometer
one of these values is returned in a promise from accel.validate()
ValidStatus = {
valid: 'valid',
invalid: 'invalid',
unchecked: 'unchecked',
denied: 'denied',
unresponsive: 'unresponsive',
parameters for numerical integration process and general motion behavior, defaults are shown
const params = {
interval: 2, //acceleromter interval in milliseconds
filterSize: 3, //sampling/smoothing size
mu: 0.1, //friction
damp: 0.4, //bounce dampening
gravity: true, //whether the object responds to tilting of device (true) or only change in position of device (false)
bounce: true, //whether the object bounces off walls (true), or sticks to the wall (false)
timeout: 10, // motion timeout with no activity, in seconds
xDir: 1, //horizonal flip
yDir: 1, //vertical flip
factor: 0.008, //sensitivity factor (speed of object)
Accelerometer manages several instances by id, subsequent calls return original
const accel = Accelerometer({
id: "accel", // name of accelerometer instance
arena: "arenaId", // element id to space to move within
object: "objectId", //element id of object to be moved
params, //inject accelerometer parameters
overrideValidate: false // not all devices have accelerometers, this flag forces the validator to return 'valid', for local development
accel.calibrate({ xDir, yDir, factor}); // this is run by default
accel.validate(); // returns a promise with the device validation status, requests permission if necessary (must prompt with a button to request permission)
accel.start(); //start updating position of DOM element based on accelerometer data
accel.stop(); // stop updating position, reset
accel.reset(); // returns object to initial position