This package provides an approach for converting primitives to object date types and vice versa, with automatic type conversion, eliminating the need to create new interfaces in typescript or using generics for date typing.
Typed Date Converter
Well, what is it?
It is an attempt to create an approach for converting primitive dates (numbers/strings) into object types (Date, Moment, etc.) for typescript, without the need to describe them in a separate interface.
For example, you get from api:
interface User {
registered: string;
name: string;
lastLoginDate: string | null;
details: Details;
activities: Activity[];
interface Details {
birthday: string;
place: string;
interface Activity {
place: string;
date: string;
but in the application you need the convert the User.registered
, User.lastLoginDate
, Details.birthday
to Date
. What now? Create a new interface for each of these with this type, or modify existing one for
using generic? This is the problem this package tries to tackle: convert all dates from one type to another and return a
new typed entity without the need to manually create new interfaces.
Well, how to use it?
Install with
npm i @merry-solutions/typed-date-converter
Next, the interface used for converting should be turned into a 'super' interface, to include all possible date types,
this is required for proper converted result typings. So let's add Date
type to the union of fields we intend to
interface User {
registered: string | Date;
name: string;
lastLoginDate: string | Date | null;
details: Details;
activities: Activity[];
interface Details {
birthday: string | Date;
place: string;
interface Activity {
place: string;
date: string | Date;
This is required for proper typing of the output. Now we need some functions for checking and converting the fields:
- to check if the property is primitive fit for conversion to object date;
- to check if object is date which requires conversion into primitive;
- to convert primitive to a date object;
- to convert date object to a primitive.
For the sake of simplicity, let's assume our dates come always in format YYYY-MM-DD. So our functions would look the following way:
import {
} from '@merry-solutions/typed-date-converter';
const converterToJsDate: StringToJSDateConverter<string, Date> = (d: string) => new Date(d);
const converterFromJsDate:JSDateToStringConverter<Date, string> = (d: Date) => d.toISOString();
const checkTypeofDate: CheckTypeofObjectDate = (v: unknown) => v instanceof Date;
// if string is YYYY-MM-DD, we assume it is a date string
const checkTypeofPrimitive: CheckTypeofPrimitiveDate = (v: string | number) => typeof v === 'string' && /^\d{4}(-\d{2}){2}$/.test(v);
const deepDateConverter = createRecursiveDateConverter<string, Date>({
There, we have a converter ready for usage. Now assuming we have a user
const user: User = {
registered: '1970-12-12',
name: 'Bob',
lastLoginDate: null,
details: {
birthday: '1970-12-12',
place: 'some village',
activities: [
date: '1970-12-12',
place: 'not specified',
our conversion would go as following:
const convertedUser = deepDateConverter<User, Date>(user);
// now all these fields are Date: mappedUser.registered, mappedUser.details.birthday, mappedUser.activities[0].date
To convert back to string dates we could do the same process to the object we received, passing different types:
const converteToPrimitiveDatesdUser = deepDateConverter<typeof convertedUser, string>(convertedUser);
// now all these fields are back to string: mappedUser.registered, mappedUser.details.birthday, mappedUser.activities[0].date
Don't forget to pass types to the converter, so the IDE knows the correct type.
Simple as that :)