Meniga UI component library
The UI library is a set of small UI components that make developing new apps quick and easy. The styling is based on Suit-CSS and uses a package called suit-cx to help with that.
We use Storybook to develop and demo our components in isolation.
Run storybook
In order to test and demo your UI components, you can run storybook.
If you haven't already installed and built the @meniga packages, go to the root folder of mono-cosmic and run:
yarn prebuild
yarn build
Then go back to meniga-ui (cd packages/meniga-ui) and start storybook
yarn dev
Your default browser should open up on localhost:6006
If you run into problems, try to clean the yarn cache and install dependencies again from the mono-cosmic root folder
yarn cache clean
yarn install
then go into meniga-ui again and run yarn dev
How to use the library
All components can be imported as named imports from '@meniga/ui'.
import { Button, Form, FormGroup, FormInput, FormSubmit } from '@meniga/ui'
<Form onSubmit={ (valid, formData) => onSubmitForm(valid, formData) }>
<FormInput name="test" />
<FormSubmit label="Submit" />
<Button onClick={ () => onCancelForm() }>