A library for a react app to authenticate with an oauth provider using authorization code flow
This package is used to authenticate with an oidc/oauth provider.
It is build as an ESM module and is geared towards apps using functional components and react hooks. It does not add a user to the redux state like @meniga/identity does.
It uses react-oidc-context and oidc-client-ts under the hood and only supports Authorization Code flow or Refresh Token flow. Implicit Grant flow is not supported. If you need Implicit Grant support, use @meniga/identity instead.
Getting started
Install the package like so:
yarn add @meniga/auth
For more information about the configuration and required and optional properties go to: https://authts.github.io/oidc-client-ts/interfaces/UserManagerSettings.html
Easiest way to provide this config - if you are using @meniga/config in your app - is to create an identity.js config file with the following config, using the values set in your oidc provider.
export default {
* URL to the oidc server
authority: 'https://sts.dev.meniga.cloud/identity',
* The client ID as configured in the oidc server
client_id: 'Demo_user_api_gateway_authorization_code',
redirect_uri: '/callback',
post_logout_redirect_uri: '/',
* Only used if your app supports a 'Forgot password' flow and you are using Meniga's STS server.
* This specifies the path to the page the STS server should redirect to when user clicks on 'Forgot password'
forgot_password_uri: '/login/forgot',
* Specifies the type of grant you want to use
* The .well-known configuration of the server has a list of supported response types.
response_type: 'code',
scope: 'openid profile meniga_user_api',
loadUserInfo: true,
* Whether or not there should be an automatic attempt to renew the access token prior to its expiration
automaticSilentRenew: true,
* Whether or not the token should be saved in browser storage
storeToken: true,
* The names used to store the access_token and token_type in browser storage.
* Should not be changed if your app is using @meniga/core for api requests.
tokenName: 'accessToken',
tokenTypeName: 'accessTokenType'
Note: client_id, scope, response_type and callback_uri should match the configuration made on the identity server.
Import the MenigaAuthProvider in your App/entry file and add the OIDC config to it.
import { globalConfig } from '@meniga/config'
import { MenigaAuthProvider } from '@meniga/auth'
const _configBasename = globalConfig('routing.prefix', '')
const _configIdentity = globalConfig('identity', {})
const App = () => {
return <Fragment>
<MenigaAuthProvider oidcConfig={ _configIdentity } basename={ _configBasename }>
<RouterProvider router={ browserRouter } />
export default App
This setup is based on using @meniga/router but works for anyone using react-router or similar library.
In your apps router you will have to add the following components to authenticate
- AuthProtected is to restrict access to only authenticated users and must be placed under the MenigaAuthProvider in the react dom tree.
- AuthCallback is a component that handles the callback from the oidc provider and saves it to storage.
- It will redirect to the previous url the user was located after it has done all its work.
- AuthLogin is a component that handles redirect to the login page of the oidc provider.
- AuthLogout is similar to the LoginPage that it handles the redirect to the oidc provider but this one redirects to a logout page
None of these components are required but they save a lot of time.
import { Route, Router } from 'cosmic-core'
import { AuthCallback, AuthProtected, AuthLogin, AuthLogout } from '@meniga/auth'
const routes = [
key: 'callbackRoute',
path: '/callback',
element: <AuthCallback callbackUrl={ '/' } onError={ () => { }} />,
key: 'loginRoute',
path: '/login',
element: <LoginPage />
key: 'logoutRoute',
path: '/logout',
element: <LogoutPage />
key: 'protectedRoute',
path: '/dashboard',
element: <AuthProtected><Dashboard /></AuthProtected>
const browserRouter = createBrowserRouter(routes, { basename: _configBasename })
Get user info
You can access basic user info using the { useAuth } hook as long as MenigaAuthProvider is being used further up the tree.
import { useAuth } from '@meniga/auth'
const someFunctionalCompenent = () => {
const auth = useAuth()
const user = auth?.user
Silent renew token
@meniga/auth supports renewing the bearer token periodically.
In order to use this feature, set 'automaticSilentRenew' to true in the config.