SDK to interact with Meme Royale
MemeRoyale SDK
| Environment | Program ID | | ----------- | -------------------------------------------- | | Devnet | 2FbQu6gQ8DyATLzT3WrX2dbrXpzi6gFMMeXgCcwH7o17 | | Mainnet | mrxyzcbo1w1azx3MjKxNkEQEnzZyUvWHHTWaS2j882A |
Integrating Meme Royale
All keys are derived by the token's mint.
Account Seeds
- Description: Global config account
- Seeds:
- Description: The bonding curve
- Seeds:
["pool", token_mint]
- Description: Conversion between rekt tokens to winning tokens.
- Seeds:
["conversion", old_token_mint]
Token Accounts
- Mint:
- Authority:
- Mint:
- Authority:
import { Connection, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor";
import { MemeRoyale } from "meme-royale-sdk";
// Initialize the SDK
const connection = new Connection("https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com");
const programId = new PublicKey(MEMEROYALE_PROGRAM_ID);
const wallet = new anchor.Wallet(YOUR_KEYPAIR);
const memeRoyale = new MemeRoyale(connection, programId, wallet);
// Initialize the SDK (required before using other methods)
await memeRoyale.init();
// Initialize the user account for your payer's pubkey
await memeroyale.initUser(wallet.publicKey);
// Now you can use the SDK methods
Key Features
- Bonding curve calculations
- Fee calculations
- Supply and price estimations
Public Methods
: Initializes the SDK by fetching the global state. Must be called before using other methods.
initUser(payer: PublicKey)
: Initializes a user account for the given payer public key.
getUser(payer: PublicKey)
: Fetches the user account data for the given payer public key.
getPool(tokenMintPubkey: PublicKey)
: Fetches the pool data for a given token mint public key.
getMarketCap(tokenMintPubkey: PublicKey)
: Calculates the market cap for a given token mint public key.
getTokenPrice(tokenMintPubkey: PublicKey)
: Calculates the current token price for a given token mint public key.
derivePoolPubkey(tokenMintPubkey: PublicKey)
: Derives the public key for a pool given a token mint public key.
deriveConversionAccountPubkey(tokenMintPubkey: PublicKey)
: Derives the public key for a conversion account given a token mint public key.
priceInLamportsGivenSupplyInTokens(supplyInTokens: Decimal)
: Calculates the price in lamports given the current circulating supply.
marketCapInLamportsGivenSupplyInTokens(supplyInTokens: Decimal)
: Calculates the market capitalization in lamports given the current circulating supply.
currentProportionOfGraduatingSupplyDecimal(pool: Pool)
: Calculates the current proportion of the graduating supply for a given pool.
getFeeAndTaxRateBps(inRaid: boolean, side: TradeType, pool: Pool)
: Calculates the fee and tax rates in basis points for a trade based on current conditions.
estimateLamportsOutForTokensIn(tokensIn: Decimal, pool: Pool)
: Estimates the amount of lamports received for selling a given amount of tokens.
estimateTokensOutForLamportsIn(_lamportGrossInflow: Decimal, pool: Pool)
: Estimates the amount of tokens received for a given amount of lamports.
calculateFeesAndTaxes(isGrossInflow: boolean, lamportAmount: Decimal, feeAndTaxRates: FeesAndTaxRates)
: Calculates fees and taxes for a given lamport amount.
grossInflowFromNet(feeAndTaxRates: FeesAndTaxRates, netInflow: Decimal, precision: Decimal)
: Calculates gross inflow from net inflow.
tokensOutForLamportsIn(lamportsIn: Decimal, circulatingSupply: Decimal, isGrossInflow: boolean)
: Calculates tokens out for a given lamports in amount.
Static methods:
MemeRoyale.deriveUserPubkey(ownerPubkey: PublicKey, programId: PublicKey)
: Derives the public key for a user account.
MemeRoyale.initializeUser(ownerPubkey: PublicKey, program: anchor.Program<Hungermemes>, referral?: PublicKey)
: Initializes a user account for the given owner public key.
MemeRoyale.deriveMetadataPubkey(tokenMintPubkey: PublicKey)
: Derives the public key for token metadata.
MemeRoyale.getTokenMetadata(connection: Connection, tokenMintPubkey: PublicKey)
: Fetches the token metadata for a given token mint public key.
MemeRoyale.getInitUserIx(program: Program<Hungermemes>, payer: PublicKey, referral?: PublicKey)
: Gets the instruction to initialize a user account.
MemeRoyale.deriveTokenAccountPubkey(userPubkey: PublicKey, tokenMintPubkey: PublicKey)
: Derives the public key for a token account.
MemeRoyale.deriveGlobalStatePubkey(programId: PublicKey)
: Derives the public key for the global state account.
MemeRoyale.derivePoolPubkey(tokenMintPubkey: PublicKey, programId: PublicKey)
: Derives the public key for a pool.
MemeRoyale.deriveTokenMintPubkey(symbol: string, creatorPubkey: PublicKey, programId: PublicKey)
: Derives the public key for a token mint.
MemeRoyale.deriveVaultPubkey(poolPubkey: PublicKey, tokenMintPubkey: PublicKey)
: Derives the public key for a vault.
MemeRoyale.createToken(program: anchor.Program<Hungermemes>, userPubkey: PublicKey, name: string, symbol: string, uri: string)
: Creates a new token.
Methods prefixed with an underscore (e.g., _deriveGlobalStatePubkey
) are considered private and should not be used directly in your application code.