Displays a list of contact information with email address and phone numbers
Mello Labs Contacts Panel
Displays a list of contact information with email address and phone numbers
Install @mello-labs/contacts-panel from npm:
npm install @mello-labs/contacts-panel --save
OR yarn add @mello-labs/contacts-panel
# Import Module
import { ContactsPanelModule } from '@mello-labs/contacts-panel';
# Add to imports
imports: [ CommonModule, ContactsPanelModule ],
# Add Selector in HTML
<lib-contacts-panel [contacts]="contacts"
# Import typings
import { Contacts } from '@mello-labs/contacts-panel';
# Set options
public contactOptions: Contacts.Options = {
showCount: true,
showCopyToClipboard: true,
defaultOpen: 'first',
emailFormatter: (contact: Contacts.Contact) => {
return contact.email + `?subject=${contact.name}&[email protected]&[email protected],[email protected]&body=Hello World`;
# Example of how to supply outside scope to the email formatter.
# In this case adds loan number to subject which does not exist in the contact model
public updateEmail(loanNumber: string) {
// Create new instance of contactOptions with email formatter updated to include outside scope
this.contactOptions = {
emailFormatter: (contact: Contacts.Contact) => {
return contact.email + `?subject=${loanNumber}&[email protected]&[email protected],[email protected]&body=Hello World`;
# Supply contacts. Example model below:
public contacts: Contacts.Group[] = [
label: 'Title Contacts',
isOpen: true,
contacts: [
name: 'John User',
email: '[email protected]',
title: 'Lead Awesomeizer',
phone: [
label: 'Direct',
number: '123 456 7890',
label: 'Office',
number: '123 456 7890',
label: 'Cell',
number: '123 456 7890',
name: 'Jane User',
email: '[email protected]',
title: 'Lead Awesomeizer',
phone: [
label: 'Direct',
number: '123 456 7890',
name: 'Joe User',
email: '[email protected]',
title: 'Lead Awesomeizer',
phone: [
label: 'Direct',
number: '123 456 7890',
label: 'Borrower Contacts',
isOpen: true,
contacts: [
name: 'James User',
email: '[email protected]',
title: 'Lead Awesomeizer',
phone: [
label: 'Direct',
number: '123 456 7890',
name: 'Johnson User',
email: '[email protected]',
title: 'Lead Awesomeizer',
phone: [
label: 'Direct',
number: '123 456 7890',