An enterprise-class UI design language and React components implementation
✨ Features
- 🌈 Enterprise-class UI designed for web applications.
- 📦 A set of high-quality React components out of the box.
- 🛡 Written in TypeScript with predictable static types.
- ⚙️ Whole package of design resources and development tools.
- 🎨 Powerful theme customization in every detail.
📦 Install
Install NodeJS >= v16.13.2, if you don't have it yet.
Currently, highcharts components are commented.
To use Toolkit components, all you need to do is install the peer dependencies:
$ yarn add antd
$ yarn add @mehradramezanipour/toolkit
const toolkitPreset = require("@mehradramezanipour/toolkit/lib/tailwind.config");
module.exports = {
presets: [toolkitPreset]
$ yarn add @tailwindcss/aspect-ratio
🥸 Documentation and View Templates
You can view the components document without having to install the main project Just run storybook
⚽ What is a playground
- It is an experimental environment that developers can use to test and check the component
- It is more useful for those who are code reviewing
✨ Usage
And import style in _app.js:
import "@mehradramezanipour/toolkit/lib/styles.css";
And import below style to styles/globals.pcss;
import "@mehradramezanipour/toolkit/lib/tailwind/global.pcss";
import { Button } from "@mehradramezanipour/toolkit";
const App = () => (
<Button>Learn React</Button>
🔨 Build
$ yarn build
🚀 Publish
1.For deploy package into local repository must first log in to repo
- 2.switch to branch master
$ git chekout master
3.then merge develop into master
$ git merge --no-ff develop
- change version in package.json
5.build and publish
$ yarn build
$ yarn publish
- Creating tags from the command line
$ git tag -a <tagname> -m 'version <tagname>'
$ git push origin master
$ git push origin <tag_name>