Default spartacus configuration for stylelint.
spartcus stylelint configuration
To ensure a high and consistent code quality for SCSS/CSS we use stylelint.
This stylelint extends the stylelinting rules from 'stylelint-prettier/recommended'
and 'stylelint-config-standard-scss'
To check the rules see index.js
. If for some reason a rule doesn't fit your project, you can override the specific rule in the .stylelintrc.js
(as demonstrated below) of your project.
This package is made for spartacus projects. However, any proejct can benefit from this package by overriding the unfitting rules.
Our config is currently optimized for Stylelint 15.10.1 To check for updates, see https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/releases
Installing stylelint-config-spartacus package
npm install @medienwerft/stylelint-config-spartacus stylelint --save-dev
Create config
In the root of your project add a .stylelintrc.js
file and add the following content:
module.exports = {
extends: ['@medienwerft/stylelint-config-spartacus']
"rules": {
// Project related rules
run stylelint over specified directory:
stylelint '<directory_name>/**/*.?(css|scss)'
run and fix styles (recommended):
stylelint '<directory_name>/**/*.?(css|scss) --fix'
adding stlyelint to lintstagedrc
... other lint staged commands
"**/*.*ss": "stylelint --fix"