Install vee-validate to vue3 using dxh wrapper
Install VeeValidate to vue3 using dxh wrapper
Just use the below command to install VeeValidate.
npm i @mdxh/vee-validate@latest
This command will install vee-validate
and @vee-validate/rules
Plugin Configaration with validation rules
You can add below code to main.ts
import { defineRule, configure } from 'vee-validate'
import { all } from '@vee-validate/rules'
type ValidationMessages = {
[key: string]: string;
Object.entries(all).forEach(([name, rule]) => {
defineRule(name, rule)
defineRule("phone", (value: any) => {
const regex = /^\+?[0-9](?:[0-9 ]{5,}[0-9])$/;
if (regex.test(value)) {
return true;
return "The field must be a valid phone number.";
bails: false,
validateOnInput: true,
validateOnBlur: true,
validateOnChange: true,
generateMessage: (context) => {
const field = context.label || context.field;
const ruleName = context.rule?.name;
const params = (context.rule?.params as unknown[]) || [];
const messages: ValidationMessages = {
required: `The field ${field} is required.`,
email: `The field ${field} must be a valid email.`,
alpha: `The field ${field} may only contain alphabetic characters`,
alpha_dash: `The field ${field} may contain alpha-numeric characters as well as dashes and underscores`,
alpha_num: `The field ${field} may only contain alpha-numeric characters`,
alpha_spaces: `The field ${field} may only contain alphabetic characters and spaces`,
between: `The field ${field} must be between ${params[0]} and ${params[1]}`,
confirmed: `The field ${field} does not match`,
digits: `The field ${field} must be numeric and exactly contain ${params[0]} digits`,
dimensions: `The field ${field} must be between ${params[0]} and ${params[1]} pixels`,
not_one_of: `The field ${field} contains an invalid value`,
ext: `The field ${field} must have a valid file extension`,
image: `The field ${field} must be an image`,
one_of: `The field ${field} must be one of the allowed values`,
integer: `The field ${field} must be an integer`,
is: `The field ${field} must be ${params[0]}`,
is_not: `The field ${field} must not be ${params[0]}`,
length: `The field ${field} must be exactly ${params[0]} characters long`,
max: `The field ${field} may not be greater than ${params[0]} characters`,
max_value: `The field ${field} must be ${params[0]} or less`,
mimes: `The field ${field} must have a valid MIME type`,
min: `The field ${field} must be at least ${params[0]} characters`,
min_value: `The field ${field} must be ${params[0]} or more`,
numeric: `The field ${field} may only contain numeric characters`,
regex: `The field ${field} format is invalid`,
size: `The field ${field} size must be less than ${params[0]}KB`,
url: `The field ${field} must be a valid URL`,
if (ruleName && messages[ruleName]) {
return messages[ruleName];
return `The field ${field} is invalid.`;
Now you can use VeeValidate in your components
Start your project
npm run dev