Based on the premise that to-dos can be split in two categories: actionable vs unactionable.
"Live in the Moment" flow
"Live in the Moment" is based on the premise that to-dos can be split in two categories:
- Actionable: to-dos that can currently be worked on
- Unactionable: to-dos that will become actionable some time in the future
And it assumes you don't want to spend any time or mental energy dealing with unactionable to-dos.
const { DateTime } = require("luxon");
const now = DateTime.local();
const options = { time: now.toString(), timezone: now.zoneName };
// stream mode
const liveInTheMoment = require('@mdo-org/mdo-flow-live-in-the-moment');
// string mode
const liveInTheMomentStr = require('@mdo-org/mdo-flow-live-in-the-moment/lib/strings');
const inputStr = '- [ ] hello world @start tomorrow';
liveInTheMomentStr(inputStr, options)
Workflow Overview
Whenever you write down a to-do, ask yourself:
can I work on this task right now or is it blocked by some external factor?
If it is NOT actionable, ask yourself:
when will it become actionable?
Then, assign it a corresponding @start date and forget about it.
You start by writing down some to-dos:
- [ ] review report XYZ
- [ ] Github #123
See: github.com/my-project/issues/123
However, you notice the first to-do is not actionable, because the report XYZ won't be ready until tomorrow at 11am.
You assign it a start date:
- [ ] review report XYZ
@start tomorrow at 11am
When you hit save, "Live in the Moment" rearranges your file as follows:
# To-Do
- [ ] Github #123
See: github.com/my-project/issues/123
# Future
- [ ] review report XYZ
@start 2019-02-23T11:00:00-05:00
Now you can focus on your actionable tasks (under the "To-Do" section) and forget about tasks in the "Future" section.
The next day at 11am, "Live in the Moment" will move the task out of the "Future" section and into an "Inbox" section at top of the file (so you don't miss it):
# Inbox
- [ ] review report XYZ
# To-Do
- [ ] Github #123
See: github.com/my-project/issues/123
The core idea behind "Live in the Moment" is that once you offload future tasks to MDo, you can focus exclusively on tasks that are actionable in the present.