A JavaScript class representing the context levels in Moodle's permissions system.
A JavaScript class representing the context levels in Moodle's permissions system.
Installation & Importation
Install with:
npm install --save '@maynoothuniversity/moodle-context-level'
Import with:
const MoodleContextLevel = require('@maynoothuniversity/moodle-context-level');
Import into page with:
<!-- Import MoodleContextLevel from CDN -->
<script src="https://rawcdn.githack.com/bbusschots-mu/moodle-context-level/1aa70e57d14ed7fba107721de9df2dc30806329a/dist/index.js"></script>
Basic Example
// Example assumes module has been imported as MoodleContextLevel
// factory method — 3 ways to create a course context
const cxt1 = MoodleContextLevel.parse('CONTEXT_COURSE'); // by name
const cxt2 = MoodleContextLevel.parse('course'); // by base name or alias
const cxt3 = MoodleContextLevel.parse(50); // by number
// static factory getters - 3 ways to create a category context
const catCxt1 = MoodleContextLevel.CONTEXT_COURSECAT; // by name
const catCxt2 = MoodleContextLevel.coursecat; // by base name
const catCxt3 = MoodleContextLevel.category; // by alias
// properties
console.log(catCxt1.name); // CONTEXT_COURSECAT
console.log(catCxt1.baseName); // courseCat
console.log(catCxt1.aliases); // ['category', 'courseCategory']
console.log(catCxt1.number); // 40
// all existing context names as they appear in the Moodle source code
// [
// ]
// all names understood by the module
// [
// 'block', 'category',
// 'course', 'courseCategory',
// 'coursecat', 'module',
// 'system', 'user'
// ]
API Documentation
The documentation for the public API can be access at https://bbusschots-mu.github.io/moodle-context-level/.
To contribute to the module, clone it from GitHub and then in the folder execute the following:
npm install
The single source file is ./src/index.html
Once changes have been made the two distribution files can be generated with:
npm run build
The public API documentation can be updated with:
npm run docs
The generated documentation will be at ./docs/index.html
The public API documentation does not include private variables. Full developer documentation can be generated with:
npm run docs-dev
The generated develoer documentation will be at ./docs-dev/index.html
The QUnit test suite is defined in ./test/tests.js
The tests can be execute in-browser after the code has been built at
, or from the CLI with:
npm run test