Just a very simple logging module for your Electron application forked for working with Loggly remote URL
A forked variant of megahertz/electron-log to ensure conflictless logging in Loggly using their POST log endpoint. this library may not be updated for all general usage Do not use this library if regular upates are required kindly use https://github.com/megahertz/electron-log.
Just a simple logging module for your Electron or NW.js application. No dependencies. No complicated configuration. Just require and use. Also, it can be used without Electron in any node.js application.
This library works the same as electron-log
only solving the json.data conflict received in Loggly by replacing the keyword in POST request body from data
to log
By default, it writes logs to the following locations:
- on Linux:
~/.config/{app name}/logs/{process type}.log
- on macOS:
~/Library/Logs/{app name}/{process type}.log
- on Windows:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\{app name}\logs\{process type}.log
Install with npm:
npm install @mayahq/electron-log-loggly
const log = require('electron-log-loggly');
log.info('Hello, log');
log.warn('Some problem appears');
electron-log v2.x, v3.x
If you would like to upgrade to the latest version, read the migration guide and the changelog.
Log levels
electron-log supports the following log levels:
error, warn, info, verbose, debug, silly
If you've got an error like require is not defined
in a renderer process,
read the nodeIntegration section.
Transport is a simple function which does some work with log message. By default, two transports are active: console and file.
If you change some transport options, make sure you apply the changes both in main and renderer processes.
You can set transport options or use methods using:
log.transports.console.format = '{h}:{i}:{s} {text}';
Console transport
Just prints a log message to application console (main process) or to DevTools console (renderer process).
- format, default
'%c{h}:{i}:{s}.{ms}%c › {text}'
(main),'{h}:{i}:{s}.{ms} › {text}'
(renderer) - level, default 'silly'
- useStyles, use styles in the main process even if TTY isn't attached,
File transport
The file transport writes log messages to a file.
- fileName, default 'main.log', 'renderer.log' or 'worker.log'
- format, default
'[{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}.{ms}] [{level}] {text}'
- level, default 'silly'
- maxSize of log file in bytes, 1048576 (1mb) by default.
Read more about file transport.
IPC transport
When logging inside renderer process, it also shows log in application console and vice versa. This transport can impact on performance, so it's disabled by default for packaged application.
- level, default 'silly'
Remote transport
Sends a JSON POST request with LogMessage
in the body to the specified url.
- level, default false
- url, remote endpoint
Read more about remote transport.
Disable a transport
Just set level property to false, for example:
log.transports.file.level = false;
log.transports.console.level = false;
Override/add a custom transport
Transport is just a function (msg: LogMessage) => void
, so you can
easily override/add your own transport.
More info.
Overriding console.log
Sometimes it's helpful to use electron-log instead of default console
. It's
pretty easy:
console.log = log.log;
If you would like to override other functions like error
, warn
and so on:
Object.assign(console, log.functions);
Colors can be used for both main and DevTools console.
log.info('%cRed text. %cGreen text', 'color: red', 'color: green')
Available colors:
- unset (reset to default color)
- black
- red
- green
- yellow
- blue
- magenta
- cyan
- white
For DevTools console you can use other CSS properties.
Catch errors
electron-log can catch and log unhandled errors/rejected promises:
In some situations, you may want to get more control over logging. Hook is a function which is called on each transport call.
(message: LogMessage, transport: Transport) => LogMessage
Multiple logger instances
You can create multiple logger instances with different settings:
const electronLog = require('electron-log-loggly');
const log = electronLog.create('anotherInstance');
Logging scopes
const log = require('electron-log-loggly');
const userLog = log.scope('user');
userLog.info('message with user scope');
// Prints 12:12:21.962 (user) › message with user scope
Web Worker
It's possible to use the module with Web Worker. However, ipc transport is not active, so log messages from worker are not displayed in the main app console.
- electron-cfg - Settings for your Electron application.