TypeScript typings for Web Risk API v1
TypeScript typings for Web Risk API v1
For detailed description please check documentation.
Install typings for Web Risk API:
npm install @types/gapi.client.webrisk-v1 --save-dev
You need to initialize Google API client in your code:
gapi.load('client', () => {
// now we can use gapi.client
// ...
Then load api client wrapper:
() => {
// now we can use:
// gapi.client.webrisk
// Deprecated, use discovery document URL, see https://github.com/google/google-api-javascript-client/blob/master/docs/reference.md#----gapiclientloadname----version----callback--
gapi.client.load('webrisk', 'v1', () => {
// now we can use:
// gapi.client.webrisk
Don't forget to authenticate your client before sending any request to resources:
// declare client_id registered in Google Developers Console
var client_id = '',
scope = [
// See, edit, configure, and delete your Google Cloud data and see the email address for your Google Account.
immediate = true;
// ...
{client_id: client_id, scope: scope, immediate: immediate},
authResult => {
if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
/* handle successful authorization */
} else {
/* handle authorization error */
After that you can use Web Risk API resources:
Gets the full hashes that match the requested hash prefix. This is used after a hash prefix is looked up in a threatList and there is a match. The client side threatList only holds partial hashes so the client must query this method to determine if there is a full hash match of a threat.
await gapi.client.webrisk.hashes.search({});
Gets the most recent threat list diffs. These diffs should be applied to a local database of hashes to keep it up-to-date. If the local database is empty or excessively out-of-date, a complete snapshot of the database will be returned. This Method only updates a single ThreatList at a time. To update multiple ThreatList databases, this method needs to be called once for each list.
await gapi.client.webrisk.threatLists.computeDiff({});
This method is used to check whether a URI is on a given threatList. Multiple threatLists may be searched in a single query. The response will list all requested threatLists the URI was found to match. If the URI is not found on any of the requested ThreatList an empty response will be returned.
await gapi.client.webrisk.uris.search({});