TypeScript typings for Identity and Access Management (IAM) API v2beta
TypeScript typings for Identity and Access Management (IAM) API v2beta
Manages identity and access control for Google Cloud resources, including the creation of service accounts, which you can use to authenticate to Google and make API calls. Enabling this API also enables the IAM Service Account Credentials API (iamcredentials.googleapis.com). However, disabling this API doesn't disable the IAM Service Account Credentials API. For detailed description please check documentation.
Install typings for Identity and Access Management (IAM) API:
npm install @types/gapi.client.iam-v2beta --save-dev
You need to initialize Google API client in your code:
gapi.load('client', () => {
// now we can use gapi.client
// ...
Then load api client wrapper:
() => {
// now we can use:
// gapi.client.iam
// Deprecated, use discovery document URL, see https://github.com/google/google-api-javascript-client/blob/master/docs/reference.md#----gapiclientloadname----version----callback--
gapi.client.load('iam', 'v2beta', () => {
// now we can use:
// gapi.client.iam
Don't forget to authenticate your client before sending any request to resources:
// declare client_id registered in Google Developers Console
var client_id = '',
scope = [
// See, edit, configure, and delete your Google Cloud data and see the email address for your Google Account.
immediate = true;
// ...
{client_id: client_id, scope: scope, immediate: immediate},
authResult => {
if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
/* handle successful authorization */
} else {
/* handle authorization error */
After that you can use Identity and Access Management (IAM) API resources:
Creates a policy.
await gapi.client.iam.policies.createPolicy({parent: 'parent'});
Deletes a policy. This action is permanent.
await gapi.client.iam.policies.delete({name: 'name'});
Gets a policy.
await gapi.client.iam.policies.get({name: 'name'});
Retrieves the policies of the specified kind that are attached to a resource. The response lists only policy metadata. In particular, policy rules are omitted.
await gapi.client.iam.policies.listPolicies({parent: 'parent'});
Updates the specified policy. You can update only the rules and the display name for the policy. To update a policy, you should use a read-modify-write loop: 1. Use GetPolicy to read the current version of the policy. 2. Modify the policy as needed. 3. Use `UpdatePolicy` to write the updated policy. This pattern helps prevent conflicts between concurrent updates.
await gapi.client.iam.policies.update({name: 'name'});