TypeScript typings for Search Ads 360 API v2
TypeScript typings for Search Ads 360 API v2
The Search Ads 360 API allows developers to automate uploading conversions and downloading reports from Search Ads 360. For detailed description please check documentation.
Install typings for Search Ads 360 API:
npm install @types/gapi.client.doubleclicksearch@v2 --save-dev
You need to initialize Google API client in your code:
gapi.load('client', () => {
// now we can use gapi.client
// ...
Then load api client wrapper:
gapi.client.load('doubleclicksearch', 'v2', () => {
// now we can use gapi.client.doubleclicksearch
// ...
Don't forget to authenticate your client before sending any request to resources:
// declare client_id registered in Google Developers Console
var client_id = '',
scope = [
// View and manage your advertising data in DoubleClick Search
immediate = true;
// ...
{ client_id: client_id, scope: scope, immediate: immediate },
authResult => {
if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
/* handle successful authorization */
} else {
/* handle authorization error */
After that you can use Search Ads 360 API resources:
Retrieves a list of conversions from a DoubleClick Search engine account.
await gapi.client.doubleclicksearch.conversion.get({ advertiserId: "advertiserId", agencyId: "agencyId", endDate: 1, engineAccountId: "engineAccountId", rowCount: 1, startDate: 1, startRow: 1, });
Inserts a batch of new conversions into DoubleClick Search.
await gapi.client.doubleclicksearch.conversion.insert({ });
Updates a batch of conversions in DoubleClick Search.
await gapi.client.doubleclicksearch.conversion.update({ });
Updates the availabilities of a batch of floodlight activities in DoubleClick Search.
await gapi.client.doubleclicksearch.conversion.updateAvailability({ });
Generates and returns a report immediately.
await gapi.client.doubleclicksearch.reports.generate({ });
Polls for the status of a report request.
await gapi.client.doubleclicksearch.reports.get({ reportId: "reportId", });
Downloads a report file encoded in UTF-8.
await gapi.client.doubleclicksearch.reports.getFile({ reportFragment: 1, reportId: "reportId", });
Downloads a csv file(encoded in UTF-8) that contains ID mappings between legacy SA360 and new SA360. The file includes all children entities of the given advertiser(e.g. engine accounts, campaigns, ad groups, etc.) that exist in both legacy SA360 and new SA360.
await gapi.client.doubleclicksearch.reports.getIdMappingFile({ advertiserId: "advertiserId", agencyId: "agencyId", });
Inserts a report request into the reporting system.
await gapi.client.doubleclicksearch.reports.request({ });
Retrieve the list of saved columns for a specified advertiser.
await gapi.client.doubleclicksearch.savedColumns.list({ advertiserId: "advertiserId", agencyId: "agencyId", });