A Native Module for [React Native](http://facebook.github.io/react-native/), to use the [Libmedia](https://libeasy.alwaysdata.net/libmedia/) library. Libmedia is a library of helpers dealing with media management, as a toolbox for developers to build
A Native Module for React Native,
to use the Libmedia library.
Libmedia is a library of helpers dealing with media management, as a toolbox for developers to build their applications on Android.
WARNING: The module is for the Android platform only, as is the library.
This package, as a wrapper, is of no use without the library which is subject to a license for commercial usage.
Run the following commands from your React Native project directory:
npm install @maxcom/react-native-libmedia
Additional step for React Native < 0.60:
react-native link @maxcom/react-native-libmedia
Additional step for React Native < 0.58:
If your gradle plugin version is already 3.0.0+, you should replace the deprecatedcompile
dependency type by theimplementation
dependency type inandroid/app/build.gradle
.Additional step for React Native < 0.56:
On build, Gradle 4.4 will produce a warning because of the presence of a '/' character in the project name derived from a scoped node package name. The support of such a character is annonced to have been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 5.0.
An adjustment in the react-native tooling to replace '/' by '_' is effective as of version 0.56. Before it, you have to do yourself the replacement of':@maxcom/react-native-libmedia'
in these project files:android/settings.gradle
Get the necessary jar files, as mentioned in Integration Guidelines Step 1 and Step 1a, but put them in
.Apply Integration Guidelines Step 2, Step 3. Step 4 is already embedded in the module.
import Libmedia from '@maxcom/react-native-libmedia';
Module API
Creates the server, if not already done, as a LocalSingleHttpServer instance.
Creates the server, if not already done, as a WifiSingleHttpServer instance.
Libmedia.setCipher(transformation: string, key: Array<number>, algorithm: string, iv?: Array<number>)
Sets the Cipher for decryption.
- transformation - The name of the transformation, of the form: "algorithm/mode/padding" or "algorithm".
- key - The encryption key, as a byte array.
- algorithm - The name of the secret-key algorithm to associate with the key.
- iv - The Initialization Vector, as a byte array, if necessary for the transformation.
Libmedia.setCipherFactory(transformation: string, key: Array<number>, algorithm: string, iv?: Array<number>)
Sets the cipher factory for decryption.
Parameters: same as setCipher().
Clears the cipher of the server.
Starts the server.
Libmedia.getUrl(path: string)
Returns the URL to serve a resource specified by the provided path.
- path - The path of a resource.
Stops the server.
Releases the reference to the server, after stopping it if necessary.
Hereunder is the source of a TestLibmediaScreen.js
, as an example of a screen for a navigator with
* Copyright (c) 2019-present, Maxcom.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { PermissionsAndroid } from "react-native";
import { WebView} from 'react-native-webview';
import Libmedia from '@maxcom/react-native-libmedia';
* Produce an array of numbers, one for each of the characters of a string.
* WARNING: charCodeAt() returns the Unicode value of a character, in the range 0-65535.
* As the aim is to return bytes, this simple converter is usable only with Ascii characters (code point < 0x80)
const numberArrayFromAscii = (str) => str.split('').map(c => c.charCodeAt());
export default class TestLibmediaScreen extends Component<{}> {
constructor(props) {
__DEV__ && console.log(`${this.constructor.name} const`, props);
this.state = {
path: "",
componentDidMount() {
__DEV__ && console.log(`${this.constructor.name} componentDidMount`);
this.requestStoragePermission(); // better to do it beforehand to avoid a fail on the first run
componentWillUnmount() {
__DEV__ && console.log(`${this.constructor.name} componentWillUnmount`);
async requestStoragePermission() {
try {
const isGranted = await PermissionsAndroid.check(PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE);
if (!isGranted) {
const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request(PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE);
if (granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) {
__DEV__ && console.log(`${this.constructor.name} Permission granted`);
} else {
__DEV__ && console.log(`${this.constructor.name} Permission denied`);
} catch (err) {
async setUp() {
try {
await Libmedia.createLocalSingleHttpServer();
// uncomment one of these cases
// no Cipher needed
//var path = 'asset://clear.mp4';
//var path = 'asset://encrypted.mp4';
//await Libmedia.setCipher('ARC4', numberArrayFromAscii('BrianIsInTheKitchen'), 'ARC4', null);
var path = '/mnt/sdcard/Movies/libm/secure.ctr.mp4';
await Libmedia.setCipher('AES/CTR/NoPadding', numberArrayFromAscii('1234567890123456'), 'AES', new Array(16).fill(0));
await Libmedia.start();
path = await Libmedia.getUrl(path);
__DEV__ && console.log(`${this.constructor.name} path ${path}`);
} catch(e) {
console.error(this.constructor.name, e);
async tearDown() {
await Libmedia.stop();
await Libmedia.destroy();
render() {
const source = { html: `
<video src='${this.state.path}' controls></video>
return (
<WebView style={{ flex: 1 }} source={source} />