LSE is a tool for easily parsing events sent to Lambda from API Gateway using the proxy integration setting. LSE also formulates syntactically correct responses.
Lambda Simple Event (LSE)
LSE is a tool for easily parsing events sent to Lambda from API Gateway using the proxy integration setting. LSE also formulates syntactically correct responses.
Use the package manager npm to install LSE.
npm i @mattnick/lambda-simple-event
const LambdaSimpleEvent = require('@mattnick/lambda-simple-event');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const lse = new LambdaSimpleEvent(event);
return resolve(lse.success(200,{message: "OK"}));
//Set Access-Control-Allow-Origin Header, defaults to "*"
const LambdaSimpleEvent = require('@mattnick/lambda-simple-event');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const lse = new LambdaSimpleEvent(event);
return resolve(lse.success(200,{message: "OK"}));
Example: Parsing post requests
const LambdaSimpleEvent = require('@mattnick/lambda-simple-event');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const lse = new LambdaSimpleEvent(event);
var body = lse.getAllPostBody();
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2"
var key1 = lse.getPostBody('key1');
// value1
var key3 = lse.getPostBody('key3');
// null
return resolve(lse.success(200,{message: "OK"}));
Example: Parsing query string variables
const LambdaSimpleEvent = require('@mattnick/lambda-simple-event');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const lse = new LambdaSimpleEvent(event);
var queryString = lse.getAllQueryString();
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2"
var key1 = lse.getQueryString('key1');
// value1
var key3 = lse.getQueryString('key3');
// null
return resolve(lse.success(200,{message: "OK"}));
Example: Parsing path parameters
const LambdaSimpleEvent = require('@mattnick/lambda-simple-event');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const lse = new LambdaSimpleEvent(event);
var params = lse.getAllPathParameters();
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2"
var key1 = lse.getPathParameters('key1');
// value1
var key3 = lse.getPathParameters('key3');
// null
return resolve(lse.success(200,{message: "OK"}));
Example: Parsing Authorizer Context
Returns auth information from custom authorizers
const LambdaSimpleEvent = require('@mattnick/lambda-simple-event');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const lse = new LambdaSimpleEvent(event);
var auth = lse.getAuthorizerContext();
userID: 9599,
clientID: "3E2A9E6684218",
return resolve(lse.success(200,{message: "OK"}));
Example: Other details
const LambdaSimpleEvent = require('@mattnick/lambda-simple-event');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const lse = new LambdaSimpleEvent(event);
//Retrieves API Keys Used by API Gateway
var apiKey = lse.getApiKey();
// Returns: string or null
//Returns the http path for the endpoint, does not include the stage
var apiPath = lse.getApiPath();
// /test/hello
//Returns the current stage endpoint has been deployed using.
var apiStage = lse.getApiStage();
// /beta
//Returns the http method used to call the endpoint
var apiMethod = lse.getApiMethod();
// post
//Returns the ID of the API used
var apiID = lse.getApiID();
// a3fc4e
return resolve(lse.success(200,{message: "OK"}));
Example: Generating responses
const LambdaSimpleEvent = require('@mattnick/lambda-simple-event');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const lse = new LambdaSimpleEvent(event);
var statusCode = 200,
var body = {
message: "Hello World"
return resolve(lse.success(statusCode, body))
exports.handler = async (event) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const lse = new LambdaSimpleEvent(event);
var statusCode = 500,
var body = {
message: "Something went wrong"
return resolve(lse.error(statusCode, body))