Utility to quickly get started with our Integration and astro
Utility to quickly get started with our Integration and astro.
The Default install method requires pnpm
if you dont have pnpm
installed you can change this by using the command below with the following argument --pkg-manager <pkg-mngr>
with the Package manager of your choice(i.e npm, yarn).
npx @matthiesenxyz/create-astro-ghostcms
# OR
npx @matthiesenxyz/create-astro-ghostcms <template> <project_directory>
Available command args:
npx @matthiesenxyz/create-astro-ghostcms --<arg>
# `--help` : Calls internal getHelp Function
# `--install` : Sets Install Dependencies to 'true'
# `--git` : Initiates git Repo
# `--dry` : Shows you what the command will do. (NO CHANGES WILL BE MADE)
# `--pkg-manager` : Specify your Package manager(i.e. npm, yarn | DEFAULT: pnpm)
Available templates
| Template | Description |
| ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| basic
| Basic Setup with astro-ghostcms and theme-default |
| catppuccin
| Integration w/ Catppuccin & TailwindCSS |
| brutal
| Integration w/ BrutalbyElian & UnoCSS |
| starterkit
| Integration in API-Only Mode with customizable theme |