This repo provides a typed Deck.gl layer and loader for PMTiles data. PMTiles data provides a serverless and compact way to store tile geospatial data. Combined with Deck.gl's rendering, this provides a flexible and powerful way to cheaply manage geospati
This repo provides a typed Deck.gl layer and loader for PMTiles data. PMTiles data provides a serverless and compact way to store tile geospatial data. Combined with Deck.gl's rendering, this provides a flexible and powerful way to cheaply manage geospatial data.
Learn more about Brandon Liu's PMTiles and ProtoMaps work.
Breaking Changes
Version 0.0.3 breaks support for V2 tiles. Legacy support will be coming back soon. If you need to use legacy v2 spec PMtiles, use version 0.0.14 of this package.
- Raster tile support
- V2 legacy support
Repo Scripts:
yarn build-dev
// builds the loader/layer for development and listens for changes
yarn build-prod
// builds the loader/layer for production
yarn dev
// runs the development server for the loader/layer and the frontend example
Example Usage:
import React from 'react'
import { PMTLayer } from "@maticoapp/deck.gl-pmtiles";
import DeckGL from "@deck.gl/react/typed";
longitude: -80,
latitude: 37,
zoom: 6,
pitch: 0,
bearing: 0,
const Example: React.FC = () => {
const Layers = [
new PMTLayer({
id: "pmtiles-layer",
data: "https://protomaps-static.sfo3.digitaloceanspaces.com/mantle-trial.pmtiles",
getFillColor: [255, 120, 120],
stroked: true,
getLineColor: [8, 8, 8],
lineWidthMinPixels: 1
return <DeckGL
export default Example
Peer Dependencies
You must also install these packages in your app:
- deck.gl
- pmtiles
Other Libraries and References
This repo's code builds on existing work adapted from: