A simple Node app built on Express, instantly up and running.
mathjs is being updated, please wait at least 7 days for this to be complete, thank you! for now, you can setup your mathematical enviroment like this:
var math = require('@mathematics-refined/math-redefined2');
var ms = new math.setup('"setup":{ encrypt:[first, take_out, replace], PI:[] }')
ms.form//logs your current form, that will come in use soon, to get the full form for the encrypt setup example above, please look below this line
ms.form.encrypt//logs [first, take_out, replace]
3/2/19: cryption is complete, follow code below to use:
we are sorry if eval does not work at the moment, we are making 2 new packages that further fix errors, and evaluate properly, currently, the evaluation packages are out of date with this version's advanced JSON parse to stringify classification system, messing with the current packages. when the new private packages are complete, the full evaluation system shall be up and running