This package can deploy a smart contract with an initialization function.
Massa smart-contract Deployer
This package can deploy a smart contract with an initialization function.
To get the stable version: npm i -D @massalabs/massa-sc-deployer
To get the nightly version: npm i -D @massalabs/massa-sc-deployer@dev
To update the nightly version: npm update @massalabs/massa-sc-deployer
Write your smart contract
In your smart contract, add an optional constructor
* This function is meant to be called only one time: when the contract is deployed.
* @param binaryArgs - Arguments serialized with Args
export function constructor(binaryArgs: StaticArray<u8>): StaticArray<u8> {
// This line is important. It ensures that this function can't be called in the future.
// If you remove this check, someone could call your constructor function and reset your SC.
if (!contractIsDeploying()) {
return [];
// Initialize your smart contract
return [];
Use this library to deploy it
You can write a deployment script that uses massa-web3 library and this sc-deployer to create complex deployment process.
A simple use-case is as follows:
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { deploySC, WalletClient, ISCData } from '@massalabs/massa-sc-deployer';
import { Args } from '@massalabs/massa-web3';
(async () => {
await deploySC(
'', // deploy on your local sandbox node
await WalletClient.getAccountFromSecretKey('my secret key'),
data: readFileSync('path/to/theContractIWantToDeploy.wasm'), // path to the compiler contract to deploy
coins: 0n, // amount of Massa coin to send to the deployment transaction
args: new Args().addString('Test'), // Arguments to pass to the constructor of the contract, use `NoArg` if any
} as ISCData,
0n, // fees
4_200_000_000n, // max gas
true, // wait for the first event to be emitted and print it into the console.
fromMAS(0.1), // max coins (Optional. If not set, an estimated value will be used)
We welcome contributions from the community!
If you would like to contribute to Massa-sc-deployer, please read the CONTRIBUTING file.