A Mashroom Portal App that can be used to load any other Portal App with a specific configuration and to test message bus interaction
Mashroom Portal Sandbox App
Plugin for Mashroom Server, a Microfrontend Integration Platform.
This Mashroom Portal App can be used to load and test any Portal App with a specific configuration and to interact with the App via Message Bus. It can also be used for end-2-end testing with tools such as Selenium.
- If node_modules/@mashroom is configured as plugin path just add @mashroom/mashroom-portal-sandbox-app as dependency.
- Add the Mashroom Sandbox App app on an empty page
- Select the app you want to run within the sandbox
The app supports the following query parameters:
- sbAutoTest: This is an automated tests ann all JSON inputs should be replaced by simple textareas
- sbPreselectAppName: The name of the app that should be preselected (without starting it)
- sbAppName: The name of the app that should be started in the sandbox. If this parameter is given the app will be started automatically, otherwise all other query parameters are ignored.
- sbWidth: The width the app should be started with. Default: 100%
- sbLang: The language code that should be passed to the app.
- sbPermissions: The base64 encoded permissions object that should be passed to the app. E.g.:
permissionA: true
- sbAppConfig: The Base64 encoded appConfig object that should be passed to the app.
For an example how to use the sandbox in an end-2-end test see: https://github.com/nonblocking/mashroom-portal-quickstart/tree/master/plugin-packages/example-react-app/test-e2e/example.test.js