A Mashroom Portal plugin to dynamically register Mashroom Portal Apps on a remote server
Mashroom Portal Remote App Registry
Plugin for Mashroom Server, a Microfrontend Integration Platform.
This plugin adds a remote app registry to Mashroom Portal, which scans periodically a list of remote servers for Portal Apps. It expects the package.json and optionally an external plugin config file (default mashroom.json) to be exposed at /. It also expects a remote config in the plugin definition, like this:
"name": "My Single Page App",
"remote": {
"resourcesRoot": "/public",
"ssrInitialHtmlPath": "/ssr"
You can find an example remote app here: Mashroom Demo Remote Portal App.
This plugin also comes with an Admin UI extension (/mashroom/admin/ext/remote-portal-apps) and a REST API to add and remote URL's. The Admin UI allows adding a URL temporary only for the current session.
If node_modules/@mashroom is configured as plugin path just add @mashroom/mashroom-portal-remote-app-registry as dependency.
You can override the default config in your Mashroom config file like this:
"plugins": {
"Mashroom Portal Remote App Background Job": {
"cronSchedule": "0/1 * * * *",
"socketTimeoutSec": 3,
"registrationRefreshIntervalSec": 600,
"unregisterAppsAfterScanErrors": -1
"Mashroom Portal Remote App Registry": {
"remotePortalAppUrls": "./remotePortalApps.json"
"Mashroom Portal Remote App Registry Admin Webapp": {
"showAddRemoteAppForm": true
- cronSchedule: The cron schedule for the background job that scans for new apps (Default: every minute)
- socketTimeoutSec: Socket timeout when trying to reach the remote app (Default: 3)
- registrationRefreshIntervalSec: Interval for refreshing known endpoints (Default: 600)
- unregisterAppsAfterScanErrors: Remove registered Apps of an endpoint if it cannot be reached for a number of scan intervals (Default: -1 which means: never remove)
- remotePortalAppUrls: Location of the config file with the remote URLs, relative to the server config (Default: ./remotePortalApps.json)
- showAddRemoteAppForm: Show the Add a new Remote Portal App Endpoint form in the Admin UI
The config file contains just a list of URLs:
"$schema": "https://www.mashroom-server.com/schemas/mashroom-portal-remote-apps.json",
"remotePortalApps": [
The Service can be used like this:
import type {MashroomPortalRemoteAppEndpointService} from '@mashroom/mashroom-portal-remote-app-registry/type-definitions';
export default async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const remoteAppService: MashroomPortalRemoteAppEndpointService = req.pluginContext.services.remotePortalAppEndpoint.service;
const remoteApps = await remoteAppService.findAll();
// ...
The REST API can be used like this:
Available at /portal-remote-app-registry/api. Methods:
- GET / : List of current URL's
- POST / : Add a new URL. Request body:
{ "url": "http://my-server.com/app1", "sessionOnly": false }
- DELETE /<url> : Delete given URL
The exposed service is accessible through pluginContext.services.remotePortalAppEndpoint.service
export interface MashroomPortalRemoteAppEndpointService {
* Register a new Remote App URL
registerRemoteAppUrl(url: string): Promise<void>;
* Register a Remote App URL only for the current session (useful for testing)
url: string,
request: Request,
): Promise<void>;
* Unregister a Remote App
unregisterRemoteAppUrl(url: string): Promise<void>;
* Find Remote App by URL
url: string,
): Promise<RemotePortalAppEndpoint | null | undefined>;
* Return all known Remote App endpoints
findAll(): Promise<Readonly<Array<RemotePortalAppEndpoint>>>;
* Update an existing Remote App endpoint
remotePortalAppEndpoint: RemotePortalAppEndpoint,
): Promise<void>;
* Refresh (fetch new metadata) from given endpoint
remotePortalAppEndpoint: RemotePortalAppEndpoint,
): Promise<void>;