A simple SPA that demonstrates how the Mashroom Portal proxy can be used to connect to a WebSocket server which cannot be reached directly by the client
Mashroom Portal Demo WebSocket Proxy App
Plugin for Mashroom Server, a Microfrontend Integration Platform.
This is a simple SPA that demonstrates how the Mashroom Portal proxy can be used to connect to a WebSocket server that cannot be reached directly by the client.
By default, it connects to an echo server on ws://ws.ifelse.io/, but that server might go down any time. If you can't connect, you can always launch a local WebSocket server (like https://github.com/pmuellr/ws-echo) and change the targetUri in package.json accordingly.
If node_modules/@mashroom is configured as plugin path just add @mashroom/mashroom-portal-demo-rest-proxy-app as dependency.
Then you can place it on any page via Portal Admin Toolbar.