Mashroom Portal
Mashroom Portal
Plugin for Mashroom Server, a Microfrontend Integration Platform.
This plugin adds a Portal component which allows composing pages from Single Page Applications (SPAs).
Registered SPAs (Portal Apps) can be placed on arbitrary pages via Drag'n'Drop. Each instance receives a config object during startup and a bunch of client services, which for example allow access to the message bus. The config is basically an arbitrary JSON object, which can be edited via Admin Toolbar. A Portal App can also bring its own config editor App, which again is just a simple SPA.
One of the provided client services allow Portal Apps to load any other App (known by name) into any existing DOM node. This can be used to:
- Create dynamic cockpits where Apps are loaded dynamically based on some user input or search result
- Create Composite Apps that consist of other Apps (which again could be used within other Apps again)
The Portal supports hybrid rendering for both the Portal pages and SPAs. So, if an SPA supports server side rendering the initial HTML can be incorporated into the initial HTML page. Navigating to another page dynamically replaces the SPAs in the content area via client side rendering (needs to be supported by the Theme).
The Portal also supports i18n, theming, role based security, a client-side message bus which can be connected to a server-side broker and a registry for Remote Apps on a separate server or container.
Since this plugin requires a lot of other plugins the easiest way to use it is to clone this quickstart repository: mashroom-portal-quickstart
You can find a full documentation of Mashroom Server and this portal plugin with a setup and configuration guide here: https://www.mashroom-server.com/documentation
The plugin allows the following configuration properties:
"plugins": {
"Mashroom Portal WebApp": {
"path": "/portal",
"adminApp": "Mashroom Portal Admin App",
"defaultTheme": "Mashroom Portal Default Theme",
"defaultLayout": "Mashroom Portal Default Layouts 1 Column",
"authenticationExpiration": {
"warnBeforeExpirationSec": 60,
"autoExtend": false,
"onExpiration": {
"strategy": "reload"
"ignoreMissingAppsOnPages": false,
"versionHashSalt": null,
"resourceFetchConfig": {
"fetchTimeoutMs": 3000,
"httpMaxSocketsPerHost": 3,
"httpRejectUnauthorized": true
"defaultProxyConfig": {
"sendPermissionsHeader": false,
"restrictToRoles": ["ROLE_X"]
"ssrConfig": {
"ssrEnable": true,
"renderTimoutMs": 2000,
"cacheEnable": true,
"cacheTTLSec": 300,
"inlineStyles": true
"addDemoPages": true
- path: The portal base path (Default: /portal)
- adminApp: The admin to use (Default: Mashroom Portal Admin App)
- defaultTheme: The default theme if none is selected in the site or page configuration (Default: Mashroom Portal Default Theme)
- defaultLayout: The default layout if none is selected in the site or page configuration (Default: Mashroom Portal Default Layouts 1 Column)
- authenticationExpiration:
- warnBeforeExpirationSec: The time when the Portal should start to warn that the authentication is about to expire. A value of 0 or lower than 0 disables the warning. (Default: 60)
- autoExtend: Automatically extend the authentication as long as the portal page is open (Default: false)
- onExpiration: What to do if the session expires. Possible strategies are stayOnPage, reload, redirect and displayDomElement. (Default: reload)
- ignoreMissingAppsOnPages: If an App on a page can't be found just show nothing instead of an error message (Default: false)
- versionHashSalt: If you need unique resource version hashes per server instance provide here a string (Default: null)
- resourceFetchConfig: Optional config for resource fetching (App and plugin resources like js/css files)
- fetchTimeoutMs: Timeout for fetching (Default: 3000)
- httpMaxSocketsPerHost: Max sockets per host for fetching resources from Remote Apps (Default: 10)
- httpRejectUnauthorized: Reject resources from servers with invalid certificates (Default: true)
- defaultProxyConfig: Optional default http proxy config for portal apps (see below the documentation of portal-app2 plugins). The restrictToRoles here cannot be removed per app, but apps can define other roles that are also allowed to access a proxy.
- ssrConfig: Optional config for server side rendering
- ssrEnable: Allow server side rendering if Apps support it (Default: true)
- renderTimoutMs: Timeout for SSR which defines how long the page rendering can be blocked. Even if SSR takes too long the result is put into the cache and might be available for the next page rendering (Default: 2000)
- _cacheEnable": Enable cache for server-side rendered HTML (Default: true)
- cacheTTLSec: The timeout in seconds for cached SSR HTML (Default: 300)
- inlineStyles: Inline the App's CSS to avoid sudden layout shifts after loading the initial HTML (Default: true)
- addDemoPages: Add some demo pages if the configuration storage is empty (Default: true)
Browser support
The Portal supports only modern Browsers and requires ES6.
The exposed service is accessible through pluginContext.services.portal.service
export interface MashroomPortalService {
* Get all registered portal apps
getPortalApps(): Readonly<Array<MashroomPortalApp>>;
* Get all registered theme plugins
getThemes(): Readonly<Array<MashroomPortalTheme>>;
* Get all registered layout plugins
getLayouts(): Readonly<Array<MashroomPortalLayout>>;
* Get all registered page enhancement plugins
getPortalPageEnhancements(): Readonly<Array<MashroomPortalPageEnhancement>>;
* Get all registered app enhancement plugins
getPortalAppEnhancements(): Readonly<Array<MashroomPortalAppEnhancement>>;
* Get all sites
getSites(limit?: number): Promise<Array<MashroomPortalSite>>;
* Get the site with the given id
getSite(siteId: string): Promise<MashroomPortalSite | null | undefined>;
* Find the site with given path
findSiteByPath(path: string): Promise<MashroomPortalSite | null | undefined>;
* Insert new site
insertSite(site: MashroomPortalSite): Promise<void>;
* Update site
updateSite(site: MashroomPortalSite): Promise<void>;
* Delete site
deleteSite(req: Request, siteId: string): Promise<void>;
* Get page with given id
getPage(pageId: string): Promise<MashroomPortalPage | null | undefined>;
* Find the page ref within a site with given friendly URL
findPageRefByFriendlyUrl(site: MashroomPortalSite, friendlyUrl: string): Promise<MashroomPortalPageRef | null | undefined>;
* Find the page ref within a site by the given pageId
findPageRefByPageId(site: MashroomPortalSite, pageId: string): Promise<MashroomPortalPageRef | null | undefined>;
* Insert new page
insertPage(page: MashroomPortalPage): Promise<void>;
* Update page
updatePage(page: MashroomPortalPage): Promise<void>;
* Insert new page
deletePage(req: Request, pageId: string): Promise<void>;
* GetPortal App instance
getPortalAppInstance(pluginName: string, instanceId: string | null | undefined): Promise<MashroomPortalAppInstance | null | undefined>;
* Insert a new Portal App instance
insertPortalAppInstance(portalAppInstance: MashroomPortalAppInstance): Promise<void>;
* Update given Portal App instance
updatePortalAppInstance(portalAppInstance: MashroomPortalAppInstance): Promise<void>;
* Delete given portal Portal App instance
deletePortalAppInstance(req: Request, pluginName: string, instanceId: string | null | undefined): Promise<void>;
Plugin Types
Deprecated since Mashroom v2, please use portal-app2.
This plugin type makes a Single Page Application (SPA) available in the Portal.
To register a new portal-app plugin add this to package.json:
"mashroom": {
"plugins": [
"name": "My Single Page App",
"type": "portal-app2",
"clientBootstrap": "startMyApp",
"resources": {
"js": [
"local": {
"resourcesRoot": "./dist",
"ssrBootstrap": "./dist/renderToString.js"
"defaultConfig": {
"appConfig": {
"myProperty": "foo"
A full config with all optional properties would look like this:
"mashroom": {
"plugins": [
"name": "My Single Page App",
"type": "portal-app2",
"clientBootstrap": "startMyApp",
"resources": {
"js": [
"css": []
"sharedResources": {
"js": []
"screenshots": [
"local": {
"resourcesRoot": "./dist",
"ssrBootstrap": "/dist/renderToString.js"
"remote": {
"resourcesRoot": "/public",
"ssrInitialHtmlPath": "/ssr"
"defaultConfig": {
"title": {
"en": "My Single Page App",
"de": "Meine Single Page App"
"category": "My Category",
"tags": ["my", "stuff"],
"description": {
"en": "Here the english description",
"de": "Hier die deutsche Beschreibung"
"metaInfo": {
"capabilities": ["foo"]
"defaultRestrictViewToRoles": ["Role1"],
"rolePermissions": {
"doSomethingSpecial": ["Role2", "Role3"]
"caching": {
"ssrHtml": "same-config-and-user"
"editor": {
"editorPortalApp": "Demo Config Editor",
"position": "in-place",
"appConfig": {
"proxies": {
"spaceXApi": {
"targetUri": "https://api.spacexdata.com/v3",
"sendPermissionsHeader": false,
"restrictToRoles": ["Role1"]
"appConfig": {
"myProperty": "foo"
- clientBootstrap: The global function exposed on the client side to launch the App (see below for an example)
- resources: Javascript and CSS resources that must be loaded before the bootstrap method is invoked. All resource paths are relative to resourcesRoot.
- sharedResources: Optional. Same as resources but a shared resource with a given name is only loaded once, even if multiple Portal Apps declare it. This is useful if apps want to share vendor libraries or styles or such. Here you can find a demo how to use the Webpack DllPlugin together with this feature: Mashroom Demo Shared DLL
- screenshots: Optional some screenshots of the App. The screenshots paths are relative to resourcesRoot.
- local: Basic configuration if the App is deployed locally
- resourcesRoot: The root path for APP resources such as JavaScript files and images. Needs to be relative within the package
- ssrBootstrap: An optional local SSR bootstrap that returns an initial HTML for the App, relative within the package (see below for an example)
- remote: Optional configuration if the App is accessed remotely
- resourcesRoot: The root path for App resources such as JavaScript files and images
- ssrInitialHtmlPath: The optional path to a route that renders the initial HTML. The Portal will send a POST to this route with a JSON body of type MashroomPortalAppSSRRemoteRequest and expects a plain text/html response or an application/json response that satisfies MashroomPortalAppSSRResult.
- defaultConfig: The default config that can be overwritten in the Mashroom config file
- title: Optional human-readable title of the App. Can be a string or an object with translations.
- category: An optional category to group the Apps in the Admin App
- tags: An optional list of tags that can also be used in the search (in the Admin App)
- description: Optional App description. Can be a string or an object with translations.
- defaultRestrictViewToRoles: Optional default list of roles that have the VIEW permission if not set via Admin App. Use this to prevent that an App can just be loaded via JS API (dynamically) by any user, even an anonymous one.
- rolePermissions: Optional mapping between App specific permissions and roles. This corresponds to the permission object passed with the user information to the App.
- caching: Optional caching configuration
- ssrHtml: Optional SSR caching configuration (Default: same-config-and-user)
- editor: Optional custom editor configuration that should be used for the appConfig by the Admin Toolbar
- editorPortalApp: The name of the Portal App that should be used to edit the appConfig of this App. The App will receive an extra appConfig property editorTarget of type MashroomPortalConfigEditorTarget.
- position: Optional hint where to launch the editor. Possible values: in-place, sidebar. (Default: in-place)
- appConfig: The optional appConfig the editor App should be launched with (Default: {})
- proxies: Defines proxies to access the App's backend (HTTP or WebSocket)
- targetUri: The API target URI
- sendPermissionsHeader: Optional. Add the header X-USER-PERMISSIONS with a comma separated list of permissions calculated from rolePermissions (Default: false)
- restrictToRoles: Optional list of roles that are permitted to access the proxy. The difference to using ACL rules to restrict the access to an API is that not even the Administrator role can access the proxy if this property is set. You can use this to protect sensitive data only a small group of users is allowed to access.
- metaInfo: Optional meta info that could be used to lookup for Apps with specific features or capabilities
- appConfig: The default configuration that will be passed to the App. Can be adapted in the Admin App.
The clientBootstrap is in this case a global function that starts the App within the given host element. Here for example a React app:
import React from 'react';
import {render, hydrate, unmountComponentAtNode} from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
import type {MashroomPortalAppPluginBootstrapFunction} from '@mashroom/mashroom-portal/type-definitions';
const bootstrap: MashroomPortalAppPluginBootstrapFunction = (element, portalAppSetup, clientServices) => {
const {appConfig, restProxyPaths, lang} = portalAppSetup;
const {messageBus} = clientServices;
// Check if the Apps has been rendered in the server-side, if this is a Hybrid App and a ssrBootstrap is configured
//const ssrHost = element.querySelector('[data-ssr-host="true"]');
//if (ssrHost) {
// hydrate(<App appConfig={appConfig} messageBus={messageBus}/>, ssrHost);
//} else {
// CSR
render(<App appConfig={appConfig} messageBus={messageBus}/>, element);
return {
willBeRemoved: () => {
updateAppConfig: (appConfig) => {
// Implement if dynamic app config should be possible
global.startMyApp = bootstrap;
And for an Angular app:
import {platformBrowserDynamic} from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import {MashroomPortalAppPluginBootstrapFunction} from '@mashroom/mashroom-portal/type-definitions';
import {AppModule} from './app/app.module';
const bootstrap: MashroomPortalAppPluginBootstrapFunction = (hostElement, portalAppSetup, portalClientServices) => {
return platformBrowserDynamic([
{provide: 'host.element', useValue: hostElement },
{provide: 'app.setup', useValue: portalAppSetup},
{provide: 'client.services', useValue: portalClientServices}
(module) => {
return {
willBeRemoved: () => {
console.info('Destroying Angular module');
global.startAngularDemoApp = bootstrap;
In case of a Hybrid App which supports Server Side Rendering (SSR) the server side bootstrap would look like this:
import React from 'react';
import {renderToString} from 'react-dom/server';
import App from './App';
import type {MashroomPortalAppPluginSSRBootstrapFunction} from '@mashroom/mashroom-portal/type-definitions';
const bootstrap: MashroomPortalAppPluginSSRBootstrapFunction = (portalAppSetup, req) => {
const {appConfig, restProxyPaths, lang} = portalAppSetup;
const dummyMessageBus: any = {};
const html = renderToString(<App appConfig={appConfig} messageBus={dummyMessageBus}/>);
return html;
// Alternatively (supports Composite Apps)
return {
embeddedApps: [],
export default bootstrap;
The portalAppSetup has the following structure:
export type MashroomPortalAppSetup = {
readonly appId: string;
readonly title: string | null | undefined;
readonly proxyPaths: MashroomPortalProxyPaths;
// Legacy, will be removed in Mashroom v3
readonly restProxyPaths: MashroomPortalProxyPaths;
readonly resourcesBasePath: string;
readonly globalLaunchFunction: string;
readonly lang: string;
readonly user: MashroomPortalAppUser;
readonly appConfig: MashroomPluginConfig;
- appId: The unique appId
- title: Translated title (according to current lang)
- proxyPaths: The base paths to the proxies defined in the plugin config. In the example below the base path to the spaceXApi would be in portalAppSetup.restProxyPaths.spaceXApi.
- resourceBasePath: Base path to access assets in resourceRoot such as images
- lang: The current user language (e.g.: en)
- user: User information such as username, user display name and roles. It has the following structure:
export type MashroomPortalAppUser = { readonly guest: boolean; readonly username: string; readonly displayName: string; readonly email: string | null; readonly permissions: MashroomPortalAppUserPermissions; readonly [customProp: string]: any; }
- appConfig: The App config object. The default is defined in defaultConfig.appConfig, but it can be overwritten per instance (per Admin App).
The clientServices argument contains the client services, see below.
Client Services
The following client side services are available for all portal apps:
- MashroomPortalMessageBus: A simple message bus implementation for inter app communication
- MashroomPortalStateService: State management
- MashroomPortalAppService: Provides methods wo load, unload and reload apps
- MashroomPortalUserService: User management services (such as logout)
- MashroomPortalSiteService: Site services
- MashroomPortalPageService: Page services
- MashroomPortalRemoteLogger: A facility to log messages on the server
- MashroomPortalAdminService: Provides methods to administer sites and pages (only available for users with the Administrator role)
export interface MashroomPortalMessageBus {
* Subscribe to given topic.
* Topics starting with getRemotePrefix() will be subscribed server side via WebSocket (if available).
* Remote topics can also contain wildcards: # for multiple levels and + or * for a single level
* (e.g. remote:/foo/+/bar)
subscribe(topic: string, callback: MashroomPortalMessageBusSubscriberCallback): Promise<void>;
* Subscribe once to given topic. The handler will be removed after the first message has been received.
* Remote topics are accepted.
subscribeOnce(topic: string, callback: MashroomPortalMessageBusSubscriberCallback): Promise<void>;
* Unsubscribe from given topic.
* Remote topics are accepted.
unsubscribe(topic: string, callback: MashroomPortalMessageBusSubscriberCallback): Promise<void>;
* Publish to given topic.
* Remote topics are accepted.
publish(topic: string, data: any): Promise<void>;
* Get the private user topic for the given user or the currently authenticated user if no argument given.
* You can subscribe to "sub" topics as well, e.g. <private_topic>/foo
getRemoteUserPrivateTopic(username?: string): string | null | undefined;
* The prefix for remote topics
getRemotePrefix(): string;
* Register a message interceptor.
* An interceptor can be useful for debugging or to manipulate the messages.
* It can change the data of an event by return a different value or block messages
* by calling cancelMessage() from the interceptor arguments.
registerMessageInterceptor(interceptor: MashroomPortalMessageBusInterceptor): void;
* Unregister a message interceptor.
unregisterMessageInterceptor(interceptor: MashroomPortalMessageBusInterceptor): void;
export interface MashroomPortalStateService {
* Get a property from state.
* It will be looked up in the URL (query param or encoded) and in the local and session storage
getStateProperty(key: string): any | null | undefined;
* Add given key value pair into the URL (encoded)
setUrlStateProperty(key: string, value: any | null | undefined): void;
* Add given key value pair to the session storage
setSessionStateProperty(key: string, value: any): void;
* Add given key value pair to the local storage
setLocalStoreStateProperty(key: string, value: any): void;
export interface MashroomPortalAppService {
* Get all existing apps
getAvailableApps(): Promise<Array<MashroomAvailablePortalApp>>;
* Load portal app to given host element at given position (or at the end if position is not set)
* The returned promise will always resolve! If there was a loading error the MashroomPortalLoadedPortalApp.error property will be true.
loadApp(appAreaId: string, pluginName: string, instanceId: string | null | undefined, position?: number | null | undefined, overrideAppConfig?: any | null | undefined): Promise<MashroomPortalLoadedPortalApp>;
* Load portal app into a modal overlay.
* The returned promise will always resolve! If there was a loading error the MashroomPortalLoadedPortalApp.error property will be true.
loadAppModal(pluginName: string, title?: string | null | undefined, overrideAppConfig?: any | null | undefined, onClose?: ModalAppCloseCallback | null | undefined): Promise<MashroomPortalLoadedPortalApp>;
* Reload given portal app
* The returned promise will always resolve!
* If there was a loading error the MashroomPortalLoadedPortalApp.error property will be true.
reloadApp(id: string, overrideAppConfig?: any | null | undefined): Promise<MashroomPortalLoadedPortalApp>;
* Unload given portal app
unloadApp(id: string): void;
* Move a loaded app to another area (to another host element within the DOM)
moveApp(id: string, newAppAreaId: string, newPosition?: number): void;
* Show the name and version for all currently loaded apps in a overlay (for debug purposes)
showAppInfos(customize?: (portalApp: MashroomPortalLoadedPortalApp, overlay: HTMLDivElement) => void): void;
* Hide all app info overlays
hideAppInfos(): void;
* Add listener for load events (fired after an app has been loaded an attached to the page)
registerAppLoadedListener(listener: MashroomPortalAppLoadListener): void;
* Remove listener for load events
unregisterAppLoadedListener(listener: MashroomPortalAppLoadListener): void;
* Add listener for unload events (fired before an app will been detached from the page)
registerAppAboutToUnloadListener(listener: MashroomPortalAppLoadListener,): void;
* Remove listener for unload events
unregisterAppAboutToUnloadListener(listener: MashroomPortalAppLoadListener,): void;
* Load the setup for given app/plugin name on the current page
loadAppSetup(pluginName: string, instanceId: string | null | undefined): Promise<MashroomPortalAppSetup>;
* Get some stats about a loaded App
getAppStats(pluginName: string): MashroomPortalLoadedPortalAppStats | null;
* Check if some loaded Portal Apps have been update (and have a different version on the server).
* This can be used to check if the user should refresh the current page.
* Returns the list of upgraded Apps.
checkLoadedPortalAppsUpdated(): Promise<Array<string>>;
* Prefetch resources of given app/plugin. This is useful if you know which apps you will have to load
* in the future and want to minimize the loading time.
prefetchResources(pluginName: string): Promise<void>;
readonly loadedPortalApps: Array<MashroomPortalLoadedPortalApp>;
export interface MashroomPortalUserService {
* Get the authentication expiration time in unix time ms.
* Returns null if the check fails and "0" if the check returns 403.
getAuthenticationExpiration(): Promise<number | null>;
* Get the unix ms left until authentication expiration.
* Returns null if the check fails and "0" if the check returns 403.
getTimeToAuthenticationExpiration(): Promise<number | null>;
* Extend the authentication.
* Can be used to update the authentication when no server interaction has occurred for a while and the authentication is about to expire.
extendAuthentication(): void;
* Logout the current user
logout(): Promise<void>;
* Get the current user's language
getUserLanguage(): string;
* Set the new user language
setUserLanguage(lang: string): Promise<void>;
* Get all available languages (e.g. en, de)
getAvailableLanguages(): Promise<Array<string>>;
* Get the configured default language
getDefaultLanguage(): Promise<string>;
export interface MashroomPortalSiteService {
* Get the base url for the current site
getCurrentSiteUrl(): string;
* Get a list with all sites
getSites(): Promise<Array<MashroomPortalSiteLinkLocalized>>;
* Get the page tree for given site
getPageTree(siteId: string): Promise<Array<MashroomPortalPageRefLocalized>>;
export interface MashroomPortalPageService {
* Get current pageId
getCurrentPageId(): string;
* Get the page friendlyUrl from given URL (e.g. /portal/web/test?x=1 -> /test)
getPageFriendlyUrl(pageUrl: string): string;
* Find the pageId for given URL (can be a page friendlyUrl or a full URL as seen by the client).
getPageId(pageUrl: string): Promise<string | undefined>;
* Get the content for given pageId.
* It also calculates if the correct theme and all necessary page enhancements for the requested page
* are already loaded. Otherwise fullPageLoadRequired is going to be true and no content returned.
getPageContent(pageId: string): Promise<MashroomPortalPageContent>;
export interface MashroomPortalRemoteLogger {
* Send a client error to the server log
error(msg: string, error?: Error): void;
* Send a client warning to the server log
warn(msg: string, error?: Error): void;
* Send a client info to the server log
info(msg: string): void;
export interface MashroomPortalAdminService {
* Get all existing themes
getAvailableThemes(): Promise<Array<MashroomAvailablePortalTheme>>;
* Get all existing layouts
getAvailableLayouts(): Promise<Array<MashroomAvailablePortalLayout>>;
* Get all currently existing roles
getExistingRoles(): Promise<Array<RoleDefinition>>;
* Get all app instances on current page
getAppInstances(): Promise<Array<MashroomPagePortalAppInstance>>;
* Add an app to the current page.
addAppInstance(pluginName: string, areaId: string, position?: number, appConfig?: any): Promise<MashroomPagePortalAppInstance>;
* Update given app instance config or position
updateAppInstance(pluginName: string, instanceId: string, areaId: string | null | undefined, position: number | null | undefined, appConfig: any | null | undefined): Promise<void>;
* Remove given app instance from page
removeAppInstance(pluginName: string, instanceId: string): Promise<void>;
* Get roles that are permitted to view the app (no roles means everyone is permitted)
getAppInstancePermittedRoles(pluginName: string, instanceId: string): Promise<string[] | null | undefined>;
* Update roles that are permitted to view the app (undefined or null means everyone is permitted)
updateAppInstancePermittedRoles(pluginName: string, instanceId: string, roles: string[] | null | undefined): Promise<void>;
* Get current pageId
getCurrentPageId(): string;
* Get page data
getPage(pageId: string): Promise<MashroomPortalPage>;
* Add new page
addPage(page: MashroomPortalPage): Promise<MashroomPortalPage>;
* Update an existing page
updatePage(page: MashroomPortalPage): Promise<void>;
* Delete the given page
deletePage(pageId: string): Promise<void>;
* Get roles that are permitted to view the page (no roles means everyone is permitted)
getPagePermittedRoles(pageId: string): Promise<string[] | null | undefined>;
* Update roles that are permitted to view the page (undefined or null means everyone is permitted)
updatePagePermittedRoles(pageId: string, roles: string[] | null | undefined): Promise<void>;
* Get current siteId
getCurrentSiteId(): string;
* Get site with given id
getSite(siteId: string): Promise<MashroomPortalSite>;
* Add new site
addSite(site: MashroomPortalSite): Promise<MashroomPortalSite>;
* Update existing site
updateSite(site: MashroomPortalSite): Promise<void>;
* Delete the given site
deleteSite(siteId: string): Promise<void>;
* Get roles that are permitted to view the site (no roles means everyone is permitted)
getSitePermittedRoles(siteId: string): Promise<string[] | null | undefined>;
* Update roles that are permitted to view the site (undefined or null means everyone is permitted)
updateSitePermittedRoles(siteId: string, roles: string[] | null | undefined): Promise<void>;
This plugin types adds a theme to the Portal.
To register a new portal-theme plugin add this to package.json:
"mashroom": {
"plugins": [
"name": "My Theme",
"type": "portal-theme",
"bootstrap": "./dist/mashroom-bootstrap.js",
"resourcesRoot": "./dist",
"views": "./views",
"defaultConfig": {
"param1": true
- resourcesRoot: Folder that contains assets (can be accessed in the theme via resourcesBasePath)
- views: The folder with the views. There must exist a view portal which renders a portal page
Since Mashroom Portal uses the Express render mechanism all Template Engines supported by Express can be used to define the template. The bootstrap returns the template engine and the engine name like so:
import {engine} from 'express-handlebars';
import path from 'path';
import type {MashroomPortalThemePluginBootstrapFunction} from '@mashroom/mashroom-portal/type-definitions';
const bootstrap: MashroomPortalThemePluginBootstrapFunction = async () => {
return {
engineName: 'handlebars',
engineFactory: () => {
return engine({
partialsDir: path.resolve(__dirname, '../views/partials/'),
export default bootstrap;
The theme can contain the following views:
- portal: The portal page (required)
- appWrapper: The wrapper for any Portal App (optional)
- appError: The error message if the loading of a Portal App fails (optional)
A typical portal view with Handlebars might look like this:
<!doctype html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<meta name="description" content="{{model.page.description}}">
<meta name="keywords" content="{{model.page.keywords}}">
{{#if csrfToken}}
<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{csrfToken}}">
<title>{{site.title}} - {{page.title}}</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{resourcesBasePath}}/style.css">
{{#if page.extraCss}}
<div id="mashroom-portal-admin-app-container">
<!-- Admin app goes here -->
<div class="site-name">
{{> navigation}}
<div id="portal-page-content" class="mashroom-portal-apps-container container-fluid">
<div id="mashroom-portal-modal-overlay">
<div class="mashroom-portal-modal-overlay-wrapper">
<div class="mashroom-portal-modal-overlay-header">
<div id="mashroom-portal-modal-overlay-title">Title</div>
<div id="mashroom-portal-modal-overlay-close" class="close-button"></div>
<div class="mashroom-portal-modal-overlay-content">
<div id="mashroom-portal-modal-overlay-app">
<!-- Modal apps go here -->
<div id="mashroom-portal-auth-expires-warning">
<div class="mashroom-portal-auth-expires-warning-message">
{{{__ messages "authenticationExpiresWarning"}}}
The pageContent variable contains the actual content with the Portal layout (see below) and the Apps.
Here all available variables:
export type MashroomPortalPageRenderModel = {
readonly portalName: string;
readonly siteBasePath: string;
readonly apiBasePath: string;
readonly resourcesBasePath: string | null | undefined;
readonly site: MashroomPortalSiteLocalized;
readonly page: MashroomPortalPage & MashroomPortalPageRefLocalized;
readonly portalResourcesHeader: string;
readonly portalResourcesFooter: string;
readonly pageContent: string;
// @Deprecated, use pageContent; will be removed in 3.0
readonly portalLayout: string;
readonly lang: string;
readonly availableLanguages: Readonly<Array<string>>;
readonly messages: (key: string) => string;
readonly user: MashroomPortalUser;
readonly csrfToken: string | null | undefined;
readonly userAgent: UserAgent;
readonly lastThemeReloadTs: number;
readonly themeVersionHash: string;
This plugin type adds portal layouts to the portal. A layout defines a areas where portal-apps can be placed.
To register a new portal-layouts plugin add this to package.json:
"mashroom": {
"plugins": [
"name": "My Layouts",
"type": "portal-layouts",
"layouts": {
"1 Column": "./layouts/1column.html",
"2 Columns": "./layouts/2columns.html",
"2 Columns 70/30": "./layouts/2columns_70_30.html",
"2 Columns with 1 Column Header": "./layouts/2columnsWith1columnHeader.html"
- layouts: A map with the layout html files (on the local file system)
A layout looks like this:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 mashroom-portal-app-area" id="app-area1">
<!-- Portal apps go here -->
<div class="col-md-4 mashroom-portal-app-area" id="app-area2">
<!-- Portal apps go here -->
Important is the class mashroom-portal-app-area and a unique id element.
This plugin type adds a registry for remote portal-apps to the Portal.
To register a new remote-portal-app-registry plugin add this to package.json:
"mashroom": {
"plugins": [
"name": "Mashroom Portal Remote App Registry",
"type": "remote-portal-app-registry",
"bootstrap": "./dist/registry/mashroom-bootstrap-remote-portal-app-registry.js",
"defaultConfig": {
"priority": 100
- defaultConfig.priority: Priority of this registry if a portal-app with the same name is registered multiple times (Default: 1)
And the bootstrap must return an implementation of RemotePortalAppRegistry:
import {MyRegistry} from './MyRegistry';
import type {MashroomRemotePortalAppRegistryBootstrapFunction} from '@mashroom/mashroom-portal/type-definitions';
const bootstrap: MashroomRemotePortalAppRegistryBootstrapFunction = async (pluginName, pluginConfig, pluginContext) => {
return new MyRegistry();
export default bootstrap;
The plugin must implement the following interface:
export interface MashroomRemotePortalAppRegistry {
readonly portalApps: Readonly<Array<MashroomPortalApp>>;
This plugin type allows it to add extra resources (JavaScript and CSS) to a Portal page based on some (optional) rules. This can be used to add polyfills or some analytics stuff without the need to change a theme.
To register a new portal-page-enhancement plugin add this to package.json:
"mashroom": {
"plugins": [
"name": "My Portal Page Enhancement",
"type": "portal-page-enhancement",
"bootstrap": "./dist/mashroom-bootstrap.js",
"pageResources": {
"js": [{
"path": "my-extra-scripts.js",
"rule": "includeExtraScript",
"location": "header",
"inline": false
}, {
"dynamicResource": "myScript",
"location": "header"
"css": []
"defaultConfig": {
"order": 100,
"resourcesRoot": "./dist/public"
- bootstrap: Path to the script that contains the bootstrap for the plugin (optional)
- pageResources: A list of JavaScript and CSS resourced that should be added to all portal pages. They can be static or dynamically generated. And they can be added to the header or footer (location) and also be inlined. The (optional) rule property refers to a rule in the instantiated plugin (bootstrap), see below.
- defaultConfig.order: The weight of the resources- the higher it is the later they will be added to the page (Default: 1000)
- defaultConfig.resourcesRoot: The root for all resources (can be a local path or an HTTP url)
The bootstrap returns a map of rules and could look like this:
import type {MashroomPortalPageEnhancementPluginBootstrapFunction} from '@mashroom/mashroom-portal/type-definitions';
const bootstrap: MashroomPortalPageEnhancementPluginBootstrapFunction = () => {
return {
dynamicResources: {
myScript: () => `console.info('My Script loaded');`,
rules: {
// Example rule: Show only for IE
includeExtraScript: (sitePath, pageFriendlyUrl, lang, userAgent) => userAgent.browser.name === 'IE',
export default bootstrap;
The JavaScript or CSS resource can also be generated dynamically by the plugin. In that case it will always be inlined. To use this state a dynamicResource name instead of a path and include the function that actually generates the content to the object returned by the bootstrap:
"mashroom": {
"plugins": [
"name": "My Portal Page Enhancement",
"type": "portal-page-enhancement",
"bootstrap": "./dist/mashroom-bootstrap.js",
"pageResources": {
"js": [{
"dynamicResource": "extraScript",
"location": "header"
"css": []
import type {MashroomPortalPageEnhancementPluginBootstrapFunction} from '@mashroom/mashroom-portal/type-definitions';
const bootstrap: MashroomPortalPageEnhancementPluginBootstrapFunction = () => {
return {
dynamicResources: {
extraScript: (sitePath, pageFriendlyUrl, lang, userAgent) => `console.info('test');`,
export default bootstrap;
This plugin type allows it to update or rewrite the portalAppSetup that is passed to Portal Apps at startup. This can be used to add extra config or user properties from a context. Additionally, this plugin allows it to pass extra clientServices to Portal Apps or replace one of the default ones.
To register a new portal-app-enhancement plugin add this to package.json:
"mashroom": {
"plugins": [
"name": "My Portal App Enhancement",
"type": "portal-app-enhancement",
"bootstrap": "./dist/mashroom-bootstrap.js",
"portalCustomClientServices": {
"customService": "MY_CUSTOM_SERVICE"
- bootstrap: Path to the script that contains the bootstrap for the plugin (could be omitted, if portalCustomClientServices is used)
- portalCustomClientServices: A map of client services that should be injected in the clientServices object the Portal Apps receive. The value (in this example MY_CUSTOM_SERVICE) needs to be an existing global variable on the page (in window).
The bootstrap returns the actual enhancer plugin:
import MyPortalAppEnhancementPlugin from './MyPortalAppEnhancementPlugin';
import type {MashroomPortalAppEnhancementPluginBootstrapFunction} from '@mashroom/mashroom-portal/type-definitions';
const bootstrap: MashroomPortalAppEnhancementPluginBootstrapFunction = () => {
return new MyPortalAppEnhancementPlugin();
export default bootstrap;
The plugin has to implement the following interface:
export interface MashroomPortalAppEnhancementPlugin {
* Enhance the portalAppSetup object passed as the first argument (if necessary)
enhancePortalAppSetup: (portalAppSetup: MashroomPortalAppSetup, portalApp: MashroomPortalApp, request: Request) => Promise<MashroomPortalAppSetup>;