Mashroom plugin that can use a MQTT server as external messaging provider for service side messaging
Mashroom Messaging External Provider MQTT
Plugin for Mashroom Server, a Microfrontend Integration Platform.
This plugin allows to use a MQTT server as external messaging provider for server side messaging. This enables cluster support for server side messaging and also allows communication with 3rd party systems.
If node_modules/@mashroom is configured as plugin path just add @mashroom/mashroom-messaging-external-provider-mqtt as dependency.
To activate this provider configure the Mashroom Messaging plugin like this:
"plugins": {
"Mashroom Messaging Services": {
"externalProvider": "Mashroom Messaging External Provider MQTT"
And configure this plugin like this in the Mashroom config file:
"plugins": {
"Mashroom Messaging External Provider MQTT": {
"internalTopic": "mashroom",
"mqttConnectUrl": "mqtt://localhost:1883",
"mqttProtocolVersion": 4,
"mqttQoS": 1,
"mqttUser": null,
"mqttPassword": null,
"rejectUnauthorized": true
- internalTopic: The base topic the server should use for internal messages. E.g. if the value is mashroom/test all messages published internally are prefixed with mashroom/test before published to MQTT and at the same time this provider listens to mashroom/test/# for messages (Default: mashroom)
- mqttConnectUrl: MQTT connect URL (Default: mqtt://localhost:1883)
- mqttProtocolVersion: MQTT protocol version (3, 4 or 5) (Default: 4)
- mqttQoS: Quality of service level (0, 1, or 2) (Default: 1)
- mqttUser: Optional MQTT username (Default: null)
- mqttPassword: Optional MQTT password (Default: null)
- rejectUnauthorized: If you use mqtts or wss with a self-signed certificate set it to false (Default: true)