Generate, check, and play anagrams
ANA - A New Anagram (game in your terminal)
This project is a JavaScript implementation of an anagram game. It generates a random set of letters and challenges the player to form as many words as possible using those letters. The game keeps track of the player's score and provides a theoretical score based on all possible words that can be formed. The project utilizes file handling to read a word list file and uses various string manipulation techniques to generate permutations of the input word and check if they exist in the word list. The game is played through the command line interface.
Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/callihann/anagram-in-terminal.git
OR download a precompiled build
OR install from npm
npm install @marlowemarlowe/ana -g
Cloned Repository
npm install
node ./index.js
Install via npm
npm install @marlowemarlowe/ana -g
npx ana
Prebuilt Binary
If using prebuilt binaries run using the console. Please note that MacOS and Linux binaries are untested and may be prone to error.
# windows
Building From Source
In order to build from source using pkg, simply use the predesignated configuration in package.json.
npm run build
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Authors and acknowledgment
Thank you to GitHub user dwyl for their english-words repository. The file words_alpha.txt
included in this repository was sourced from the english-words repository.