MarkLogic Engineering UX design system
MarkLogic UI Component Library
React component library that extends Ant Design.
Installing the Library
npm install --save @marklogic/design-system
Using the Component Library
- Setup your application repo to handle custom Ant Design theming https://ant.design/docs/react/use-with-create-react-app#Advanced-Guides
- Copy config-overrides.js from /playground into application repo
- Add Ant Design CSS file to app: '../node_modules/antd/dist/antd.css';
- Add minifed Marklogic UI CSS file to app: path to '../node_modules/@marklogic/design-system/dist/styles.min.css'
import React from 'react'
import { MLButton } from '@marklogic/design-system';
const App = () => {
return (
Developing UI Components
# If you don't have NVM and want to use it to install the proper node version, intall it with these instructions: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm
# Install and use node >=8.16 if you don't have it already:
nvm install 8
nvm use 8
# Install Yarn, if you don't have it already:
npm install -g yarn
# Install Dependencies
npm run install:all
# Start Storybook:
yarn run storybook
# In another terminal: Start Playground (import and test new components here)
cd playground; yarn run start
# Playground should be running at http://localhost:3000
Generate a new component with Plop.js:
Install plop: yarn global add plop
or npm install -g plop
Then run the generator in one of two ways:
a. Just run "plop" and type in the arguments as prompted
b. or, pass in the arguments as space-separate command line arguments, eg:
plop component 4 "General" MLTypography "MLText MLTitle MLParagraph"
- 4 corresponds to UX-4
- "General" Corresponds to the category the Ant component is in on the Ant documentation sidebar
- MLTypography is the name of the main component
- "MLText MLTitle MLParagraph" is the name of all child components (eg MLTypography.MLText)
This will generate:
- The component folder, with its JS and Less files in
- The Story file (jsx) and its documentation file (mdx) in
Then, once it's been generated, add an entry to src/index.js
to export the component.
Viewing UI Components
This repo uses Storybook to view components and provide usage guidelines and API documentation
# Install Dependencies
npm run install:all
# Start Storybook
npm run storybook
Storybook: localhost:6006
Updating the storyshots
When you've made changes to components, you should update their storyshots with yarn run test -u
, and, after inspecting the changes it generates for correctness, commit these changes. This way, yarn run test
can be used to check for unexpected changes in how components render.
Publishing static version of Storybook
# Build Storybook
npm run build-storybook
Static files will be in the /storybook-dist folder
Publishing the Library to NPM
Make sure you are logged in to npm
Update root/package.json
version needs to increase everytime it is published.
# Build minified CSS and publish library to NPM
npm publish
Using this library
The playground
folder has an example config-overrides.js for create-react-app.