3x3 rubiks cube module with methods to rotate sides by colour and check if solved
Rubiks Cube TypeScript Library
This typeScript module provides a representation of a Rubiks Cube and a set of functionalities to interact with it. The library is designed to be flexible and easily integrated into your projects.
Out of interest you can find an insightful technical specification for the rubiks cube here
Table of Contents
npm install @markforster/cubits
For full information on using the module check the usage docs.
Initializing a Rubiks Cube
An instance of a cube can be created by simply importing the Cube class and creating an instance.
import { Cube, ICube } from '@markforster/cubits';
const cube: ICube = new Cube();
Checking the Cube's Solved State
import { COLOURS, ICube, AxisVertex } from '@markforster/cubits';
const cube: ICube = new Cube();
console.log(`Solved for colour ${COLOURS[COLOURS.WHITE]}:`, cube.solved(COLOURS.WHITE));
console.log(`Solved for colour ${COLOURS[COLOURS.RED]}:`, cube.solved(COLOURS.RED));
console.log(`Solved for colour ${COLOURS[COLOURS.BLUE]}:`, cube.solved(COLOURS.BLUE));
console.log(`Solved for ALL:`, cube.solved());
Rotating a Cube Layer
Rotate a single layer of the cube.
import { CubeRotationDirection, ICube, COLOURS } from '@markforster/cubits';
const cube: ICube = new Cube();
cube.rotateLayerForColour(COLOURS.BLUE, CubeRotationDirection.ClockWise);
cube.rotateLayerForColour(COLOURS.BLUE, CubeRotationDirection.AntiClockWise);
Rotating the Cube
Rotate the cube as a whole.
import { Cube, ICube, AxisVertex, CubeRotationDirection } from "@markforster/cubits"
const cube: ICube = new Cube();
cube.rotate(AxisVertex.PITCH, CubeRotationDirection.ClockWise);
Orientating the Cube
Orientates the face of one cube to the position of another. Optionally a locked face can be provided that will be locked to ensure the orientation does not disturb it when orientating the source face to the target face. The example below will move the top face to the left then the back face to the front locking the now left face ensuring it is not disturbed. This allows us to orientate the cube should we wish to run algorithms against it.
import { Cube, ICube, AxisVertex, CubeRotationDirection } from "@markforster/cubits"
const cube: ICube = new Cube();
cube.orientate(Orientation.TOP, Orientation.LEFT);
cube.orientate(Orientation.BACK, Orientation.FRONT, Orientation.LEFT);
Deriving colour, indices, orientation and normal information from the cubestate
import { COLOURS } from '@markforster/cubits/';
import { IFace } from '@markforster/cubits/';
import { faceForFaceOption } from '@markforster/cubits/';
import { CubeState } from '@markforster/cubits/';
import { Cube } from '@markforster/cubits/';
import { newCubeState } from '@markforster/cubits/';
import { ICube } from '@markforster/cubits/';
import { CubeRotationDirection } from '@markforster/cubits/';
import { FaceOption } from '@markforster/cubits/';
import { AxisVertex } from '@markforster/cubits//';
const renderColours = (colours: COLOURS[] | undefined, title: string) => {
if (colours !== undefined) {
colours.map((c: COLOURS) => COLOURS[c]),
const cubeState: CubeState = newCubeState();
const cube: ICube = new Cube(cubeState);
const normalFace: IFace = faceForFaceOption(cubeState, FaceOption.TOP);
const colourFace: IFace = faceForFaceOption(cubeState, FaceOption.WHITE);
console.log('IFace > FaceOption.WHITE', colourFace.colours);
console.log('IFace > FaceOption.TOP', normalFace.colours);
renderColours(colourFace.colours, 'colourFace.colours');
renderColours(normalFace.colours, 'normalFace.colours');
cube.rotate(AxisVertex.PITCH, CubeRotationDirection.ClockWise);
cube.rotateLayerForColour(COLOURS.BLUE, CubeRotationDirection.ClockWise);
renderColours(colourFace.colours, 'colourFace.colours');
renderColours(normalFace.colours, 'normalFace.colours');
console.log('colourFace.normals', colourFace.normals);
Cube Notation Operator
A cube operator is capable of translating cube notation and performing operations on a cube.
The operator can parse and tokenise all standard cube notation. and includes a super set that can be used for orientating the cube. Super set notation follows the format of:
face in lowercase : target face in uppercase
for example: 'lU' moves the left face to the Up face orientation, 'bR' moves the back face to the Right face orientation.
Chaining superset notation allows the cube to be orientated to 2 faces. When executing superset notation the current turn will evaluate the last turn to determine wether it was an orientation token and ensure that the current turn does not disturb the last orientation target face.
const cubeState: CubeState = newCubeState();
const cube: ICube = new Cube(cubeState);
const operator: IOperator = new Operator();
operator.cube = cube;
// const notation = `fUuLRRUR'XXZ`;
const notation = `XXYX'ULLUL2R'B2E2M'ZS'2`;
`Executing cube notation "${notation}"`,
(cube: ICube) => {
showCubeDetails(cube, 'Starting Cube');
showCubeDetails(cube, 'Cube after performing notation');
Check the examples directory for additional usage scenarios and demonstrations.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.