Render your Markdoc files in Svelte(kit).
Packaging tool use to transpile between Markdoc for your templating needs and Svelte as your base Javascript framework. It allows you to render markdoc directly using a pre-processor or use a svelte component to render generated markdown trees - as and when necessary.
- ✅ Offers a svelte component to render markdoc snippets.
- ✅ Offers a svelte preprocessor to render markdoc files as svelte files.
- ✅ Integrates with svelte-kit with ease, along with layouts.
- ✅ Uses a simple config file to get markdoc configuration and custom svelte commponents.
- ✅ Provides a plugin API with basic typing to parse markdoc-rendered, post-parsing AST.
- ✅ Pipes results from frontmatter and plugins into variables.
- ✅ First class typescript usage, follows conventions set by svelte-kit documentation.
-npm install --save-dev @markdoc-garden/svelte-renderer
-yarn add --dev @markdoc-garden/svelte-renderer
-pnpm add --save-dev @markdoc-garden/svelte-renderer
As a preprocessor
The first step is to add it to your svelte configuration. NOTE, that this preprocessor must be passed before vitePreprocess
and extensions must include only those files that are markdoc pages.
// svelte.config.js
import adapter from "@sveltejs/adapter-auto";
import { vitePreprocess } from "@sveltejs/kit/vite";
import { markdocPreprocess } from "@markdoc-garden/svelte-renderer";
const extensions = [".md", ".markdoc"];
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
preprocess: [markdocPreprocess({ extensions }), vitePreprocess()],
extensions: [...extensions, ".svelte"],
kit: {
adapter: adapter(),
export default config;
The full reference for the passed configuration to the preprocessor is:
import { markdocPreprocess } from "@markdoc-garden/svelte-renderer";
const config = {
preprocess: [
// Mandatory. These files are passed as markdoc pages
extensions: [".md", ".markdoc"],
// Optional, defaults to the given value. Refers an absolute path to your exported config file.
markdocConfigPath: "src/lib/markdoc.config.js",
The second step is to add your own markdoc config file. You can configure the path to it, as given, and it must have three KEY exports.
// src/lib/markdoc.config.js
import type { Plugin } from "@markdoc-garden/svelte-renderer";
import type { Config } from "@markdoc/markdoc";
import type { SvelteComponent } from "svelte";
export const plugins: Plugin[] = [];
export const config: Config = {};
export const components: Record<string, typeof SvelteComponent> = [];
In a svelte-component
You can render a markdoc-renderable-tree within a svelte component too! Simply follow the markdoc documentation on how to generate a Renderable Tree Node and plug that into props along with an Object of custom svelte components.
import { Renderer } from "@markdoc-garden/svelte-renderer";
import md from "@markdoc/markdoc";
import Button from "@components/Button.svelte";
import Notification from "@components/Notification.svelte";
const components = {
button: Button,
notification: Notification
const text = `# Hey, this is some markdoc!`;
const ast = md.parse(text);
const renderabletree = md.transform(ast);
<Renderer content={renderabletree} {components}>
Piping variable values from frontmatter
Any values declared in the frontmatter of your markdoc file will be available as a variable under the $frontmatter.[variable]
title: Simbaaaaa!
# {% $frontmatter.title %}
Since it transpiles to simple svelte components, you can add layouts and more! Simply use the standard +layout
structure of svelte-kit and it simply works!