Marinade SDK for the Native Staking
Marinade Native Staking SDK
This is SDK for interaction with Marinade Native Staking product.
Staking through this product is done by changing the stake authority
of user's stake account(s) for example through this SDK.
Unstaking can be always done by user manually through Solana CLI - but that would be tedious as Marinade splits the user stake accounts into 100+ stake accounts. Marinade accepts requests from users to unstake part or all stake accounts and merge them into a single one, so the user flow is simplified (but Marinade charges a small fee). This is also handled by the SDK.
- Install and intialize the SDK
- Stake SOL through Marinade Native Staking
- Migrate Stake accounts to Marinade Native Staking
- Prepare for unstake
- Fetch user's stake accounts in Marinade Native Staking
- Show user's rewards
Install and intialize the SDK
Install the package:
pnpm i @marinade.finance/native-staking-sdk
Initialize the SDK:
import { Connection } from '@solana/web3.js'
import { NativeStakingConfig, NativeStakingSDK } from '@marinade.finance/native-staking-sdk'
const config = new NativeStakingConfig({ connection: new Connection('...') })
const sdk = new NativeStakingSDK(config)
Stake SOL through Marinade Native Staking
const { connection } = useConnection() // from @solana/wallet-adapter-react
const { sendTransaction, signTransaction, publicKey } = useWallet() // from @solana/wallet-adapter-react
const amount = new BN('1000000000') // 1 SOL
const { createAuthorizedStake, stakeKeypair } = sdk.buildCreateAuthorizedStakeInstructions(publicKey, amount)
const { blockhash } = await connection.getLatestBlockhash()
const tx = new VersionedTransaction(new TransactionMessage({
payerKey: publicKey,
recentBlockhash: blockhash,
instructions: createAuthorizedStake,
tx.sign([stakeKeypair]) // add signature of the stake account
await signTransaction(tx) // add signature of the user
await sendTransaction(tx, connection)
Stake Referred SOL through Marinade Native Staking
const { connection } = useConnection() // from @solana/wallet-adapter-react
const { sendTransaction, signTransaction, publicKey } = useWallet() // from @solana/wallet-adapter-react
const amount = new BN('1000000000') // 1 SOL
const partnerReferralPubkey = new PublicKey('...')
const tx = await sdk.getRefSolSignedTransaction(publicKey, amount, partnerReferralPubkey.toString())
await signTransaction(tx) // add signature of the user
await sendTransaction(tx, connection)
Migrate Stake accounts to Marinade Native Staking
const { connection } = useConnection() // from @solana/wallet-adapter-react
const { sendTransaction, signTransaction, publicKey } = useWallet() // from @solana/wallet-adapter-react
const stakeAccount = new PublicKey('...') // stake account to migrate
const authorizeInstructions = sdk.buildAuthorizeInstructions(publicKey, [stakeAccount])
const { blockhash } = await connection.getLatestBlockhash()
const tx = new VersionedTransaction(new TransactionMessage({
payerKey: publicKey,
recentBlockhash: blockhash,
instructions: authorizeInstructions,
await signTransaction(tx) // add signature of the user
await sendTransaction(tx, connection)
Migrate Referred Stake account to Marinade Native Staking
const { connection } = useConnection() // from @solana/wallet-adapter-react
const { sendTransaction, signTransaction, publicKey } = useWallet() // from @solana/wallet-adapter-react
const partnerReferralPubkey = new PublicKey('...')
const stakeAccount = new PublicKey('...') // stake account to migrate
const tx = await sdk.getRefStakeAccountSignedTransaction(publicKey, stakeAccount, partnerReferralPubkey.toString())
await signTransaction(tx) // add signature of the user
await sendTransaction(tx, connection)
Prepare for unstake
const { connection } = useConnection() // from @solana/wallet-adapter-react
const { sendTransaction, signTransaction, publicKey } = useWallet() // from @solana/wallet-adapter-react
const amount = new BN('1000000000') // 1 SOL
const { payFees, onPaid } = await sdk.initPrepareForRevoke(publicKey, amount) // pass `null` instead of `amount` to prepare everything for unstake
// sdk.config.prepareForRevokeCost - fee in lamports
const { blockhash } = await connection.getLatestBlockhash()
const tx = new VersionedTransaction(new TransactionMessage({
payerKey: publicKey,
recentBlockhash: blockhash,
instructions: payFees,
await signTransaction(tx) // add signature of the user
const signature = await sendTransaction(tx, connection)
await connection.confirmTransaction(signature, 'finalized') // wait for the payment to go through
await onPaid(signature) // notify our BE that the user has paid, so we can prepare some/all stake accounts (based on the input amount) to be merged them into a single stake account (at the beginning of the next epoch), so the SOL can be easily withdrawn (or stake account claimed if it is Locked).
Fetch user's stake accounts in Marinade Native Staking
const { publicKey } = useWallet() // from @solana/wallet-adapter-react
await sdk.getStakeAccounts(publicKey) // fetches stake accounts ready to be revoked, stake acccount that are being prepared to be revoked, stake accounts that Marinade manages
Show user's rewards
const { publicKey } = useWallet() // from @solana/wallet-adapter-react
await sdk.fetchRewards(publicKey) // fetches rewards of user's stake accounts in the Marinade Native Staking (note: apy will be `null` if there are no active stake accounts yet)