Date Library
- a simple datetime lib
Challenge 0: Setup Project Challenge 1: Create Class to instantiate Date obj Challenge 2: Human readable values: year month date hour mins secs Challenge 3: Format method that takes a "mask" string default formatted date with no parameters List of formatting characters: 'Y' -> 2019 (Year full) 'y' -> 19 (Year short) 'M' -> July (Month full) 'm' -> Jul (Month short) 'D' -> 01 (date padded) 'd' -> 1 (date) 'H' -> 05 (Hours padded) 'h' -> 5 (Hours) 'I' -> 08 (Minutes padded) 'i' -> 8 (Minutes) 'S' -> 04 (Seconds padded) 's' -> 4 (Seconds) Stretch: Add Day of Week Stretch: Add short Day of Week TODO: Add 12/24 hour Challenge 4: when() method Stretch: when() edge cases Stretch: make work for hours, min, seconds Stretch: include date & time Challenge 5: Document date-lib with JSDoc Challenge 6: Write Unit Tests Challenge 7: Publish to npm with these badges: npm version license size GitHub Issues Stretch: .toPrimitive() to return String or Num depending on context References Date Format By Country Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_format_by_country Luxon https://moment.github.io/luxon/