Just [like](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/alert) [native](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/confirm) [counterparts](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/prompt) but with consistent and
Just like native counterparts but with consistent and customizable look across browsers, overall better control and async support.
Both store and Svelte render component.
See live preview at acp.meres.sk
$ npm i @marianmeres/alert-confirm-prompt
Quick example
Live preview acp.meres.sk
import { createAlertConfirmPromptStore, AlertConfirmPrompt } from "@marianmeres/alert-confirm-prompt";
const acp = createAlertConfirmPromptStore();
<button on:click={() => acp.alert("Let's go!")}>Hey ho</button>
<!--Place this somewhere in the top-most layout-->
<AlertConfirmPrompt {acp} themeVars={{ /*see source for theme options*/ }} />
Custom theming
See AlertConfirmPrompt.svelte for the complete list of supported css vars.
See also +page.svelte for examples.
interface Dialog extends Record<string, any> {
// Required for confirm and prompt.
// For type prompt it receives the input value as a first argument.
// Can return promise in which case the UI will be in `isPending` state until
// the promise is resolved.
onOk?: Function;
type: Type.ALERT | Type.CONFIRM | Type.PROMPT;
title: string; // defaults to Camel cased `type`
content?: string | RenderProps; // defaults to undefined
labelOk?: string; // defaults to "OK"
labelCancel?: string; // defaults to "Cancel"
// initial value for prompt
value?: any;
// if you need to distinguish cancel and/or escape, use these handlers:
onCancel?: Function;
onEscape?: Function;
const acp = createAlertConfirmPromptStore();
// sugar api
// Note, that it is the responsibility of the `onOk` and `onCancel` (if present)
// handler to close the dialog (e.g. by calling acp.close()).
acp.alert(o?: Partial<Dialog> | string): void;
acp.confirm(onOk: Function, o?: Partial<Dialog>): void;
acp.prompt(onOk: Function, o?: Partial<Dialog>): void;
// stack api
// Even if multiple dialogs are in the stack only one UI instance is rendered
// at a time.
acp.push(o: Dialog);
acp.shift(); // will remove current dialog from stack
acp.close(); // alias to shift
acp.reset(stack: Dialog[] = []);
// store api
acp.subscribe((stack: Dialog[]) => { /*...*/ });
monkey patching
Although the patched functions will not, by definition, work exactly the same, they can still be used as a drop-in replacement with minimal effort.
The main difference is that all patched functions return promises, so you must await until they resolve (this is to simulate the native javascript execution pause).
import {
} from "@marianmeres/alert-confirm-prompt";
const acp = createAlertConfirmPromptStore();
// just to make sure it's client side only (if sveltekit)
onMount(() => {
window.alert = createWindowAlertLike(acp);
window.confirm = createWindowConfirmLike(acp);
window.prompt = createWindowPromptLike(acp);
// and later call
if (await confirm('Continue?')) {
alert('Hello "' + (await prompt("What's your name?", 'Foo Bar')) + '"');
- icon support (optional, sane defaults, custom overridable)
- support for 3rd optional button for confirm, so there can be features like "Save", "Don't save", "Cancel"