Binance API (REST + WebSocket) for Node.js
Binance API
This project will help you make your own app that interact with Binance API. Package includes REST and STREAM (Websocket) for client and server.
REST requests are caching (60m).
| Name | Description | | ------------- | ------------- | | rest-api.md | Details on the Rest API | |web-socket-streams | Details on available streams and payloads | | user-data-stream | Details on the dedicated account stream | | errors | Descriptions of possible error messages from the Rest API |
For ease to use, we renamed object keys.
Server response
=> Rename keys with "schema.js"
=> Updated response
Schema snippet / schema.js
aggTrades: {
a: 'aggTradeId',
p: 'price',
q: 'quantity',
f: 'firstTradeId',
l: 'lastTradeId',
T: 'timestamp',
m: 'maker',
M: 'bestPriceMatch'
Updated response
"aggTradeId": 26129,
"price": "0.01633102",
"quantity": "4.70443515",
"firstTradeId": 27781,
"lastTradeId": 27781,
"timestamp": 1498793709153,
"maker": true,
"bestPriceMatch": true
If you need to update the keys, you can do this in schema.js
Package manager
$ yarn add @marcius-capital/binance-api
$ npm install @marcius-capital/binance-api
const api = require('@marcius-capital/binance-api')
api.rest.<REQUEST_NAME>({<OPTIONS>}).then(cb => console.log(cb))
// Stream
api.stream.<REQUEST_NAME>({<PARAMS>}, cb => console.log(cb))
api.stream.close.<REQUEST_NAME>({<PARAMS>}) // Close single connection
api.stream.close.all() // Close all connections
// Close with "uniqueID"
api.stream.<REQUEST_NAME>({<PARAMS>, uniqueID:<string_id>}, cb => console.log(cb))
valid from Official Binance API. <REQUEST_NAME>
You can find below in REST and WebSocket stack.
uniqueID - a unique key by which you can open and close the connection. With different IDs you can open different connections in same time. To control connections, repeated are prohibited.
All symbols for rest are uppercase.
List of REST requests
const api = require('@marcius-capital/binance-api')
// Public requests
api.rest.exchangeInfo({}).then(res=> console.log(res))
api.rest.ticker({ symbol: 'BTCUSDT' }).then(res=> console.log(res))
api.rest.ticker({}).then(res=> console.log(res))
api.rest.ticker24hr({ symbol: 'BTCUSDT' }).then(res=> console.log(res)) // Single ticker
api.rest.ticker24hr({}).then(res => res.filter(i => parseFloat(i.volume) !== 0)) // All tickers
api.rest.klines({ symbol: 'BTCUSDT', interval: '1h', limit: 500 }).then(res=> console.log(res))
api.rest.depth({ symbol: 'BTCUSDT' }).then(res=> console.log(res))
api.rest.trades({ symbol: 'BTCUSDT', limit: 20 }).then(res=> console.log(res))
api.rest.aggTrades({ symbol:'BTCUSDT' }).then(res=> console.log(res))
// Private requests
api.rest.account({ auth: {key: '<YOUR-KEY>', secret: '<YOUR-SECRET>'} }).then(res=> console.log(res))
api.rest.account({ auth: {key: '<YOUR-KEY>', secret: '<YOUR-SECRET>'} }).then(res => res.balances.filter(i=> parseFloat(i.free + i.locked) > 0)) // Balance
api.rest.allOrders({ params: { symbol: 'BTCUSDT' }, auth: {key: '<YOUR-KEY>', secret: '<YOUR-SECRET>'} }).then(res=> console.log(res))
api.rest.openOrders({ params: { symbol: 'BTCUSDT' }, auth: {key: '<YOUR-KEY>', secret: '<YOUR-SECRET>'} }).then(res => console.log(res))
api.rest.createOrder({ params: {symbol: 'BTCUSDT', side: 'SELL', price: '8000', quantity: '0.01' }, auth: {key: '<YOUR-KEY>', secret: '<YOUR-SECRET>'} }).then(res=> console.log(res))
api.rest.myTrades({ params: { symbol: 'BTCUSDT' }, auth }).then(res=> console.log(res))
Proxies can be used with all REST requests.
api.rest.<request_name>({proxy: {host: 'http://localhost', port: '3000'}}).then(res=> console.log(res))
api.rest.<request_name>({proxy: {host: 'http://super-proxy-service.com', port: 'some_port_if_is', auth: { username: 'my-username', password: 'my-password' }}}).then(res=> console.log(res))
// Example
api.rest.ticker({ symbol: 'BTCUSDT', proxy: { host: 'http://localhost', port: '3000' } }).then(res => console.log(res)) // Public
api.rest.account({ auth: {key: '<YOUR-KEY>', secret: '<YOUR-SECRET>'}, proxy: { host: 'http://localhost', port: '3000' } }).then(res => console.log(res)) // Private
If you are familiar with Axios, can read docs.
List of STREAM requests
All symbols for streams can be lowercase or uppercase.
const api = require('@marcius-capital/binance-api')
api.stream.depth({ symbol: 'btcusdt', updateSpeed: 1000 }, cb => console.log(cb)) // updateSpeed: 1000ms default, can be 100 (100ms)
api.stream.depthLevel({ symbol: 'btcusdt', level: 100, updateSpeed: 1000 }, cb => console.log(cb)) // level: 100 default, updateSpeed: 1000ms default, can be 100 (100ms)
api.stream.kline({ symbol: 'btcusdt', interval: '1h' }, cb => console.log(cb))
api.stream.aggTrade('btcusdt', cb => console.log(cb))
api.stream.trade('btcusdt', cb => console.log(cb))
api.stream.ticker('btcusdt', cb => console.log(cb))
api.stream.tickers({}, cb => console.log(cb))
api.stream.miniTicker('btcusdt', cb => console.log(cb))
api.stream.miniTickers({}, cb => console.log(cb))
// Add new
// Attention! Much data.
api.stream.bookTicker('btcusdt', cb => console.log(cb)) // Update Speed: Real-time
api.stream.bookTickers({}, cb => console.log(cb)) // Update Speed: Real-time
Close connection
// Close connections
// Close connection
api.stream.close.kline({symbol: 'btcusdt', interval: '1h'}) // Params for close stream are used similar for open stream
// Close with uniqueID
api.stream.close.kline({symbol: 'btcusdt', interval: '1h', uniqueID: 'my_awesome_id'})
api.stream.close.kline({ uniqueID: 'my_awesome_id'})
Close connection have similar params for closing. Difference: api.stream.kline(<params>, cb)
=> api.stream.close.kline(<params>, cb)
User data stream
Upon changes in the account, returns data about balance, orders etc.
Start a new user data stream. The stream will close after 60 minutes unless a keepalive is sent. If the account has an active listenKey, that listenKey will be returned and its validity will be extended for 60 minutes. (c) Binance
Stream alive 24 hours. Every 30 minutes, package automatically sends a request to keep alive listenKey
User data has been partially tested. Use carefully. If you have problems, open issue.
// Simple open and close "user data stream"
// this is enough if you have a connection for one user
api.stream.userData({ auth: {key: '<YOUR-KEY>', secret: '<YOUR-SECRET>'} }, cb => console.log(cb))
// For comfort you can add "uniqueID"
api.stream.userData({ auth: {key: '<YOUR-KEY>', secret: '<YOUR-SECRET>'}, uniqueID: 'my_awesome_id' }, cb => console.log(cb))
api.stream.close.userData({ uniqueID: 'my_awesome_id'})
// With proxy
api.stream.userData({ auth: {key: '<YOUR-KEY>', secret: '<YOUR-SECRET>'}, proxy: {host: 'http://localhost', port: '3000' } }, cb => console.log(cb))
The error response is returned in JSON format with a lot of information, we minimized the response to simplify understanding. Will responce string format: '-1003 TOO_MANY_REQUESTS'
(as example) instead JSON.
console.err(api.error(err)) // Using example
// Example
api.rest.ticker({ <PARAMS> })
.then(res => console.log(res))
.catch(err => console.err(api.error(err))) // api.error(<ERR_RESPONSE>)
Full list requests
Full list of requests in test.js. For testing local, uncomment request and run node:
$ node test.js
- ~~Spot~~
- ~~Websocket spot~~
- ~~Websocket spot - "User Data Stream"~~
- ~~Proxy~~
- Futures with testnet
Stay in touch
Feel free to ask questions 😊
- Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/MarciusCapital
- Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/DaWfrPx
MIT | Copyright (c) 2019-present