Fetch AWS OnDemand prices for easy import into other modules
illustration by Joseph Wilkins
Price Pigeon
The answer to inconsistent spot price bids.
Uses the AWS Price List API to generate a mapping of OnDemand prices by instance type. This mapping can be used during instance creation to make accurate spot bid prices.
*Note: The price supplied is the highest OnDemand price for that instance type across the following regions:
'US East (N. Virginia)': 'us-east-1',
'US West (N. California)': 'us-west-1',
'US West (Oregon)': 'us-west-2',
'Asia Pacific (Sydney)': 'ap-southeast-2',
'EU (Ireland)': 'eu-west-1',
Using Price Pigeon
- install
and add to yourpackage.json
npm install @mapbox/price-pigeon --save
- [Optional] Update the price map to use the most recent OnDemand prices:
cd node_modules/price-pigeon
npm run price-pigeon-update
- Add your
to the templateParameters
if it isn't there already. The template will use a function that refers toInstanceType
to get the correct price. Here's an example:
'Parameters' : {
'InstanceType' : {
'Description' : 'Type of spot instance to launch',
'Type' : 'String',
'Default' : 'm3.xlarge', /* This is the type of instance you're launching */
'AllowedValues' : ['m3.xlarge', 'r3.large']
- Include the price map directly in your CloudFormation
(check outprice-pigeon/examples/
for a sample template):
// require the price-mapping function
var priceMapper = require('@mapbox/price-pigeon').priceMapper;
// get a price map with 50% off prices
var priceMap = priceMapper(0.5);
// If you want to use the actual price, you don't need to supply a ratio:
priceMap = priceMapper();
// Don't forget to add the rest of your template to this stub!
module.exports = {
'AWSTemplateFormatVersion' : '2010-09-09',
'Description' : 'price pigeon',
'Mappings' : {
'Prices' : priceMap
'Resources' : {
'LaunchConfiguration' : {
'Properties' : {
'SpotPrice' : {
'Fn::FindInMap' : ['Prices', {'Ref' : 'InstanceType'}, 'price']
'Parameters' : {
'InstanceType' : {
'Description' : 'Type of spot instance to launch',
'Type' : 'String',
'Default' : 'm3.xlarge',
'AllowedValues' : ['m3.xlarge', 'r3.xlarge']