MantleApi - JavaScript client for mantle_api Most endpoints require authentication with an API key You must first authenticate with your account by logging in your account on mantleblockchain.com. Then, you will need to navigate to the My API Key page in the Settings section. You need to have the role administrator of your organization to generate an API Key. Then use this API Key in all your requests with the following header: [ x-api-key: API_KEY ]For more information on the different product and more, you can refer to the knowledge base This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: v1
- Package version: v1
- Build date: 2022-01-28T12:22:36.251-05:00
- Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm i @mantle-lib/api --save
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var MantleApi = require('mantle_api');
var api = new MantleApi.ApiKeysApi()
var xApiKey = ""; // {String}
var opts = {
'request': new MantleApi.CreateApiKeyRequest() // {CreateApiKeyRequest}
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully.');
api.createApiKey(xApiKey, opts, callback);
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://develop.api.mantleblockchain.com/
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- MantleApi.ApiKeysApi | createApiKey | POST /apikeys | Create an API key for a specific user MantleApi.ApiKeysApi | deleteApiKey | DELETE /apikeys/{userId} | Delete the API key for a specific user MantleApi.ApiKeysApi | getAllApiKeys | GET /apikeys | Get all generated api keys MantleApi.BunkerApi | downloadFileById | GET /bunker/{productId}/files/{fileId} | [STORAGE] Download a specific file MantleApi.BunkerApi | getAllFilesIds | GET /bunker/{productId}/files | [STORAGE] Get all files MantleApi.BunkerApi | getFileStatus | GET /bunker/{productId}/files/status/{fileId} | [STORAGE] Get status for the specific file id MantleApi.BunkerApi | postFile | POST /bunker/{productId}/files | [STORAGE] Upload a file MantleApi.InvitationsApi | createInvitation | POST /invitations | Create an invitation MantleApi.InvitationsApi | deleteInvitation | DELETE /invitations/{invitationId} | Delete a specific invitation MantleApi.InvitationsApi | getAllInvitations | GET /invitations | Get all invitations MantleApi.InvitationsApi | getInvitationById | GET /invitations/{invitationId} | Get an invitation's details MantleApi.KeeperApi | compareVersion | POST /keeper/{productId}/files/{fileId}/versions/compare/{versionId} | [VERSIONS] Compare a local file to a version MantleApi.KeeperApi | compareWithLatestFileVersion | POST /keeper/{productId}/files/{fileId}/compare/latest | [FILES] Compare a local file to the latest version MantleApi.KeeperApi | compareWithOriginalFile | POST /keeper/{productId}/files/{fileId}/compare/original | [FILES] Compare a local file to the original version MantleApi.KeeperApi | createFile | POST /keeper/{productId}/files | [FILES] Create a file MantleApi.KeeperApi | createFolder | POST /keeper/{productId}/folders | [FOLDERS] Create a folder MantleApi.KeeperApi | createVersion | POST /keeper/{productId}/files/{fileId}/versions | [VERSIONS] Create a version for an existing file MantleApi.KeeperApi | deleteFileById | DELETE /keeper/{productId}/files/{fileId} | [FILES] Delete a file MantleApi.KeeperApi | deleteFolder | DELETE /keeper/{productId}/folders/{folderId} | [FOLDERS] Delete a folder MantleApi.KeeperApi | doesFileExist | POST /keeper/{productId}/files/exist | [FILES] Check if a file already exists MantleApi.KeeperApi | getAllFiles | GET /keeper/{productId}/files | [FILES] Get all files MantleApi.KeeperApi | getAllFolders | GET /keeper/{productId}/folders | [FOLDERS] Get all folders MantleApi.KeeperApi | getAllVersions | GET /keeper/{productId}/files/{fileId}/versions | [VERSIONS] Get all the versions' details for a file MantleApi.KeeperApi | getFileById | GET /keeper/{productId}/files/{fileId} | [FILES] Get a file's details MantleApi.KeeperApi | getFolderById | GET /keeper/{productId}/folders/{folderId} | [FOLDERS] Get folder details MantleApi.KeeperApi | getLinkToDownloadOriginalFile | GET /keeper/{productId}/files/download/{fileId} | [FILES] Give a link to download the file uploaded to the gcloud bucket MantleApi.ProductsApi | getAllProducts | GET /products | Get the products for the authenticated user MantleApi.ProductsApi | getProductById | GET /products/{productId} | Get a product and its settings MantleApi.ProductsApi | updateKeeperProduct | PUT /products/keeper/{productId} | Update a keeper instance's name MantleApi.ProductsApi | updateSealerProduct | PUT /products/sealer/{productId} | Update a sealer instance's name MantleApi.ProductsApi | updateTrackerProduct | PUT /products/tracker/{productId} | Update a tracker instance's name MantleApi.SealerApi | compareContract | POST /sealer/{productId}/contracts/{contractId}/compare/contract | [CONTRACTS] Compare a local contract file MantleApi.SealerApi | compareContractSignature | POST /sealer/{productId}/contracts/{contractId}/compare/signature | [CONTRACTS] Compare a local signature MantleApi.SealerApi | compareSignature | POST /sealer/{productId}/signatures/compare/{signatureId} | [SIGNATURES] Compare a local signature file to a signature MantleApi.SealerApi | compareTemplate | POST /sealer/{productId}/templates/compare/{templateId} | [TEMPLATES] Compare a local template file to the template MantleApi.SealerApi | createContract | POST /sealer/{productId}/contracts | [CONTRACTS] Create a contract for specified emails MantleApi.SealerApi | createSignature | POST /sealer/{productId}/signatures | [SIGNATURES] Create a signature for the authenticated user MantleApi.SealerApi | createTemplate | POST /sealer/{productId}/templates | [TEMPLATES] Create a template MantleApi.SealerApi | deleteContract | DELETE /sealer/{productId}/contracts/{contractId} | [CONTRACTS] Delete a contract MantleApi.SealerApi | deleteTemplate | DELETE /sealer/{productId}/templates/{templateId} | [TEMPLATES] Delete a template MantleApi.SealerApi | getAllContracts | GET /sealer/{productId}/contracts | [CONTRACTS] Get all the contracts grouped by signer MantleApi.SealerApi | getAllSignatures | GET /sealer/{productId}/signatures | [SIGNATURES] Get all signatures of the authenticated user’s MantleApi.SealerApi | getAllTemplates | GET /sealer/{productId}/templates | [TEMPLATES] Get all templates MantleApi.SealerApi | getAuthenticatedUserContracts | GET /sealer/{productId}/contracts/self | [CONTRACTS] Get all of the authenticated user’s contracts MantleApi.SealerApi | getContractsByTemplateId | GET /sealer/{productId}/templates/{templateId}/contracts | [TEMPLATES] Get contracts attached to a template MantleApi.SealerApi | getLinkToDownloadOriginalFile | GET /sealer/{productId}/contracts/download/{fileId} | [CONTRACTS] Give a link to download the file uploaded to the gcloud bucket MantleApi.SealerApi | getTemplateById | GET /sealer/{productId}/templates/{templateId} | [TEMPLATES] Get a template MantleApi.SealerApi | signContractWhenAuthenticated | POST /sealer/{productId}/contracts/{contractId}/sign | [CONTRACTS] Sign a contract MantleApi.TrackerApi | createAsset | POST /tracker/{productId}/assets | [ASSETS] Create an asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | createAssetBatchTransfer | POST /tracker/{productId}/assets/{assetId}/batches/transfer | [ASSETS] Create a transfer for one or many batches for an asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | createAssetTransfer | POST /tracker/{productId}/assets/{assetId}/transfer | [ASSETS] Create a transfer for an asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | createAssetTransferBulk | POST /tracker/{productId}/assets/transfer/bulk | [ASSETS] Create transfers in bulk MantleApi.TrackerApi | createEntity | POST /tracker/{productId}/entities | [ENTITIES] Create an entity MantleApi.TrackerApi | createMultiAsset | POST /tracker/{productId}/multiassets | [MULTIASSETS] Creates a multi asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | createMultiAssetBatchTransfer | POST /tracker/{productId}/multiassets/{assetId}/batches/transfer | [MULTIASSETS] Create a transfer for one or many batches for a multi asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | createMultiAssetTransfer | POST /tracker/{productId}/multiassets/{assetId}/transfer | [MULTIASSETS] Create a transfer for a multi asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | deleteAsset | DELETE /tracker/{productId}/assets/{assetId} | [ASSETS] Delete an asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | deleteEntity | DELETE /tracker/{productId}/entities/{id} | [ENTITIES] Delete an entity MantleApi.TrackerApi | deleteMultiAsset | DELETE /tracker/{productId}/multiassets/{assetId} | [MULTIASSETS] Delete a multi asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | editAsset | PUT /tracker/{productId}/assets/{assetId} | [ASSETS] Edit an asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | editEntity | PUT /tracker/{productId}/entities/{id} | [ENTITIES] Edit an entity MantleApi.TrackerApi | editMultiAsset | PUT /tracker/{productId}/multiassets/{assetId} | [MULTIASSETS] Edit a multi asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | getAllAssets | GET /tracker/{productId}/assets | [ASSETS] Get all assets MantleApi.TrackerApi | getAllMultiAssets | GET /tracker/{productId}/multiassets | [MULTIASSETS] Get all multi assets MantleApi.TrackerApi | getAllTransactions | GET /tracker/{productId}/transactions | [TRANSACTIONS] Get all transactions MantleApi.TrackerApi | getAssetById | GET /tracker/{productId}/assets/{assetId} | [ASSETS] Get a specific asset's details MantleApi.TrackerApi | getAssetDetailedBalance | GET /tracker/{productId}/balances/{assetId} | [BALANCES] Get all authenticated user's asset balance batches MantleApi.TrackerApi | getAssetIssuedBatchTransactions | GET /tracker/{productId}/assets/{assetId}/batches/{batchId}/transactions | [ASSETS] Get all transactions of a specific batch for an asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | getAssetIssuedBatches | GET /tracker/{productId}/assets/{assetId}/batches | [ASSETS] Get all issued batches for an asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | getBalances | GET /tracker/{productId}/balances | [BALANCES] Get all authenticated user's assets balances MantleApi.TrackerApi | getMultiAssetById | GET /tracker/{productId}/multiassets/{assetId} | [MULTIASSETS] Get a specific multi asset's details MantleApi.TrackerApi | getMultiAssetIssuedBatchTransactions | GET /tracker/{productId}/multiassets/{assetId}/batches/{batchId}/transactions | [MULTIASSETS] Get all transactions of a specific batch for a multi asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | getMultiAssetIssuedBatches | GET /tracker/{productId}/multiassets/{assetId}/batches | [MULTIASSETS] Get all issued batches for a multi asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | getOwnedIdentities | GET /tracker/{productId}/entities | [ENTITIES] Get all entities of a user MantleApi.TrackerApi | getTransactionsByAssetId | GET /tracker/{productId}/assets/{assetId}/transactions | [ASSETS] Get all transactions for an asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | getTransactionsByMultiAssetId | GET /tracker/{productId}/multiassets/{assetId}/transactions | [MULTIASSETS] Get all transactions for a multi asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | issueAsset | POST /tracker/{productId}/assets/{assetId}/issue | [ASSETS] Issue an amount of an asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | issueAssetBulk | POST /tracker/{productId}/assets/issue/bulk | [ASSETS] Issue in bulk MantleApi.TrackerApi | issueMultiAsset | POST /tracker/{productId}/multiassets/{assetId}/issue | [MULTIASSETS] Issue an amount of a multi asset MantleApi.TrackerApi | issueMultiAssetBulk | POST /tracker/{productId}/multiassets/issue/bulk | [MULTIASSETS] Issue multi asset in bulk MantleApi.TrackerApi | reverse | POST /tracker/{productId}/transactions/{transactionId}/reverse | [TRANSACTIONS] Revert a transaction MantleApi.UsersApi | deleteUser | DELETE /users/{userId} | Delete a user MantleApi.UsersApi | disableUser | PUT /users/{userId}/disable | Disable a user MantleApi.UsersApi | editUser | PUT /users/{userId} | Edit a user's details MantleApi.UsersApi | enableUser | PUT /users/{userId}/enable | Enable a user MantleApi.UsersApi | get | GET /users/self | Get the authenticated user MantleApi.UsersApi | getAllUsers | GET /users | Get all users MantleApi.UsersApi | getUserById | GET /users/{userId} | Get a user
Documentation for Models
- MantleApi.AnonymousApiKeyResponse
- MantleApi.AssetBalance
- MantleApi.AssetIssueResponse
- MantleApi.AssetTransaction
- MantleApi.Batch
- MantleApi.BreadcrumbingCompareResponse
- MantleApi.BunkerCreateFileResp
- MantleApi.BunkerFileResp
- MantleApi.Contract
- MantleApi.ContractSignatureDiffResponse
- MantleApi.CreateApiKeyRequest
- MantleApi.CreateEntityRequest
- MantleApi.EditUserRequest
- MantleApi.File
- MantleApi.HttpExposedError
- MantleApi.IFormFile
- MantleApi.Invitation
- MantleApi.InvitationCreateRequest
- MantleApi.InvitationSignUpResponse
- MantleApi.IssuedBatchTransactionsResponse
- MantleApi.IssuedBatchesResponse
- MantleApi.KeeperFile
- MantleApi.KeeperFileVersion
- MantleApi.KeeperFolder
- MantleApi.KeeperFolderCreateRequest
- MantleApi.KeeperProductSubscription
- MantleApi.MultiStatusResult
- MantleApi.NonUser
- MantleApi.NonUserResponse
- MantleApi.ProductMenuOption
- MantleApi.ProductSubscription
- MantleApi.SealerBreadcrumbingCompareResponse
- MantleApi.SealerProductSubscription
- MantleApi.SealerProductSubscriptionSettings
- MantleApi.Signature
- MantleApi.SubAssetIdentity
- MantleApi.Template
- MantleApi.TrackerAsset
- MantleApi.TrackerAssetCreateRequest
- MantleApi.TrackerAssetIssueBulkRequest
- MantleApi.TrackerAssetIssueRequest
- MantleApi.TrackerAssetIssueResponse
- MantleApi.TrackerBatchTransferBulkRequest
- MantleApi.TrackerBatchTransferBulkResponse
- MantleApi.TrackerBatchTransferRequest
- MantleApi.TrackerMultiAsset
- MantleApi.TrackerMultiAssetCreateRequest
- MantleApi.TrackerProductSubscription
- MantleApi.TrackerTransferRequest
- MantleApi.UpdateEntityRequest
- MantleApi.UpdateKeeperProductRequest
- MantleApi.UpdateSealerProductRequest
- MantleApi.UpdateTrackerProductRequest
- MantleApi.User
Documentation for Authorization
All endpoints do not require authorization.