Mantial - Minting SDK
Source code at https://github.com/mantial/react-minting-sdk
npm install @mantial/react-minting-sdk
npm run rollup
Testing library locally
First, generate the react-minting-sdk-version.tgz file with:
npm pack
Move .tgz to the target project
npm install react-minting-sdk-version.tgz
The MinterContextProvider must enclose the Mantial components used. For example:
import React from 'react';
import {MinterContextProvider} from '@mantial/react-minting-sdk';
const customMantialConfig = {
//your custom mantial config
function App(){
<MinterContextProvider config={{...customMantialConfig}}>
<Router /> //the rest of your app...
export default App;
Then, you are able to use our components somewhere. For example:
import React from 'react';
import {Minter} from '@mantial/react-minting-sdk';
function Form(){
<h2>Mint your NFT</h2>
<Minter />
export default App;
Mantial configuration
Under the hood this use Material-UI to apply styling. Be sure to read documentation if you want to customize this 100%
network: 'ropsten' | 'ethereum', //network where the iframe is going to run, being "ethereum" mainnet and "ropsten" testnet.
collectionSlug: string //slug for your collection. Use the same that you use to register it, you MUST to put the slug correctly, otherwise it won't work,
amount: string //The amount of NFTs you want the user to be able to mint,
showTitle: boolean //if you want to show the title above the mint button,
amountSelector: boolean //if you want the user to be able to select how many NFTs mint(max 5),
saleSelector: boolean //if you want the user to be able to see the different active sales,
saleId: string //use this in case you want to create a mint button that works with a particular sale (without the selector) so that it only allows users to mint for a particular sale,
showDetails: boolean //if you want the user to be able to see details from the operation,
showErrors: boolean //if you want the user to be able to see the different errors that can occur in the minting process,
theme: any, // ---> [MUI v5 theme](https://mui.com/material-ui/customization/theming/),
styles: { // ---> [allow inline styles applied as 'sx' to MUI components](https://mui.com/system/the-sx-prop/)
button: any,
mintButton: any,
switchNetworkButton: any,
container: any,
title: any,
error: any,
amount: any,
iconButton: any,
texts: any,
success: any,
minting: any,
minterContainer: any,
description: any,
installMetamaskButton: any,
texts: {
title: string //title you want to show above the mint button,
minting: string //text you want to show while the minting is happening,
success: string //text you want to show if the mint was success,
buy: string //text you want to show on the mint button "Buy" by default,
goBack: string //text you want to show to go back once the mint was success;
description: string //a description for some details you want to show,
switchNetwork: string //text to show when the network is not the correct "Switch Network" by default,
installMetamask: string //text to show when metamask is not installed "Install Metamask" by default,