Frontend generator build project
Manpacker is a set of build engine based on webpack to build engine package. Entry file supported file extension js or ts Support for multi-portal file build, Files must be in the build root directory.
Project default initialization file, Can be a javascript script file, or a json configuration file. Example: json
{"output": "view"}
You can also set the manpacker field in the package.json file. Example:
{"manpacker": {"root": "src"}}
Final input result, Merge .manpackeric config item.
{"root": "src", "output": "view"}
You can customize the project initialization file name. Example: Custom name: development.ic.js
npx manpacker --ci development.ic.js
manpacker --ci development.ic.js
npm i @manpacker/generator -D
Start the local development environment.
manpacker server
manpacker server --ic [value] -c [config] --port [number]
Construction of production environment engineering project.
manpacker build
manpacker build --ic [value] -c [config]
const manpacker = require('@manpacker/generator')
Core compilation method
const { compile } = require('@manpacker/generator')
compile({ env, ic, config })
|param|type|explain| |-----|----|-------| |env|string|env: NDOE_ENV variabl| |ic|object|.manpackeric config item object| |config|function|manpacker.webpack.js return funtion|
Commander is Create command-line class.
const { Commander } = require('@manpacker/generator')
let { version } = require('./package.json')
let commander = new Commander({ version })
Explain commander methods
|method|explain| |------|-------| |build|Default build production environment, enter project directory| |server|Launch Development Environment, Local Interconnect Service, default Port 8090| |parse|Compile registration command Lint|
Create css loader generator.
const { createCssLoader } = require('@manpacker/generator')
|param|type|explain| |-----|----|-------| |ic|object|code>.manpackeric config item object| |...loader|[object,string]|style loader|
createCssLoader(ic, { loader: 'resolve-url-loader' }, { loader: 'sass-loader' })
createCssLoader(ic, 'resolve-url-loader', 'sass-loader')
Create URI file loader generator.
|param|teype|explain| |-----|-----|-------| |dir|string|create new dir for URI file.|
Create Eslint loader generator.
|param|teype|explain| |-----|-----|-------| |rgx|RegExp|Create eslint loader.|
Default root file name: .manpackeric Configuration item description:
|name|type|value|description| |----|----|-----|-----------| |root|string|default: src| Source directory for building the project| |output|string|default: view|Directory output after build| |ext|string|default:htm|Extension of the outputted page| |cdn|string|default: "/"|Domain name for static Resource, "publicPath" attribute value| |define|object|dedalut: {NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV}|Define constants in a project, eslintrc set global key-value| |pages|object|default: {}|Multi-portal file page configuration Example| |remUnit|number|default: 100|Conversion of px with 750px Design Diagram, Minimum cardinality.| |isPx2rem|boolean|default:true|Pixel unit px conversion rem| |injectStyle|array|default:[]|Global style files that need to be injected, Avoid repeating reference, Example| |isCssExtract|boolean|default: fasle|Extract css separate files| |isMergeCommon|boolean|default:false|When multiple portal files are used, the common code section is extracted| |minChunks|number|default: 2|If isMergeCommon:true, Extracts the minimum entry file number of files for the public code.| |isCssModule|boolean|default:false|Whether styles are introduced as css templates, Example| |isMiniHTML|boolean|default:true|Compressed page.| |template|string|default:'template.html'|Build-time template file.| |map|string|default: ' '|Source map file URI| |isEslint|boolean|default: true|Start the eslint-loader feature by default| |isZip|boolean|default: false|Compressed project are zip’s ext. | |proxy|object|default: {}|Resolve browser request interface joint cross-domain. |
Ingress File header Settin. Example: Entry files index.js
{"page": {"index": "Test title"}}
More entry files index.ts、list.ts, and so on.
{"pages": {"index": "Test title", "list": "List test title"}}
Inject global style file, Avoid manual introduction Example:
{"injectStyle": ["./common/style/mixins.scss", "./common/style/varable.scss"]}
{"injectStyle": ["./common/style/index.scss"]}
Introduction of css style to work with Modular approach. Example: index.scss
.frame {margin: auto;}
import Style from './index.scss'
<div class={Style.frame}></div>
'/api': {
'target': 'https://maindomain.com',
'changeOrigin': true,
'secure': true,
'pathRewrite': {
'^/api': ''
'logLevel': 'debug'
API: http://localhost:8090/api/home => https://maindomain.com/home
Specific reference: postcss
This generator includes plugins: postcss-preset-env postcss-import postcss-url cssnano Extend the postcss plug-in the root directory: create file postcss.config.js
Default root file name: manpacker.webpack.js
module.exports = ic => {
// webpack config item.
return {}
The parameter ic is the injected initialization parameter object. Webpack configuration items can be set based on ic