Getting strava activity using Strava API
Strava athletes upload millions of activities every day. @manikandanb/strava_api npm library will help developers to get all Strava Activity based on their requirements.
By using this @manikandanb/strava_api npm Library user can able to get Athelets, Club, Race, Routes, Segments and Users Activity related Data.
npm install @manikandanb/strava_api
Once you have installed it, you can import it in any Node JS Application,
const strava = require('@manikandanb/strava_api');
Once @manikandanb/strava_api is imported, you can use strava library in your Applications:
refreshTokenData = {
client_id: *****,
client_secret: '**************',
refresh_token: '**************'
strava.getAccessTokenUsingRefreshToken(refreshTokenData).then((response) => console.log(response));
You can use your own strava cliend_id, client_secrent and refresh_token to Generate Access Token.
- getAccessTokenUsingCode
inputData = { client_id: *****, client_secret: '****************', code: '*************************', }; strava.getAccessTokenUsingCode(inputData).then((response) => console.log(response)); You can use your own strava client_id, client_secret and code to Generate access_token
- getAccessTokenUsingRefreshToken
refreshTokenData = { client_id: *****, client_secret: '**************', refresh_token: '**************' } strava.getAccessTokenUsingRefreshToken(refreshTokenData).then((response) => console.log(response)); You can use your own strava cliend_id, client_secrent and refresh_token to Generate Access Token.
- getActivity
accessToken = { access_token: '**********************' } strava.getActivity(accessToken).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getActivityWithPolyline
accessToken = { access_token: '*****************' } strava.getActivityWithPolyline(accessToken).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getActivityById
activityId = { id: '**********', access_token: '*******************' } strava.getActivityById(activityId).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getActivityComments
activityId = { id: '**************', access_token: '****************' } strava.getActivityComments(activityId).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getActivityKudos
activityId = { id: '************', access_token: '********************' } strava.getActivityKudos(activityId).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getActivityLaps
activityId = { id: '5************', access_token: '****************' } strava.getActivityLaps(activityId).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getActivityZones
activityId = { id: '**************', access_token: '**************' } strava.getActivityZones(activityId).then((response) => console.log(response));
- createActivity
postActivity = { name: 'Sample Post', type: 'Walk', start_date_local: new Date() elapsed_time: 10, description: 'Sample Descriptions', distance: 15, trainer: 0, commute: 0, access_token: 'b3b4178badfc32ee5dcc4797e4d7ea1d7a42854b' } strava.createActivity(postActivity).then((response) => console.log(response)); name, type, start_local_date and elapsed_time are required field to create a new Strava Activity. Remaining Fields are optional
- getAccessTokenUsingCode
- getAthletes
accessToken = { access_token: '************' } strava.Athelets.getAthletes(accessToken).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getAuthenticatedAtheleteZones
accessToken = { access_token: '************' } strava.Athelets.getAuthenticatedAtheleteZones(accessToken).then((response) => console.log(response)); // Requeires profile:read_all Permissions
- getAtheleteStats
athletes = { id: '*******', access_token: '***************' } strava.Athelets.getAtheleteStats(athletes).then((response) => console.log(response));
- updateAthelets
updateAthletes = { weight: 0, // You can use any Integer Value access_token: '********************' } strava.Athelets.updateAthelets(updateAthletes).then((response) => console.log(response)); // Requires profile:write Permissions
- getAthletes
- getClubById
clubs = { id: '*****', access_token: '***********' } strava.club.getClubById(clubs).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getClubActivityById
clubs = { id: '*****', access_token: '***********' } strava.club.getClubActivityById(clubs).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getClubAdminsById
clubs = { id: '*****', access_token: '***********' } strava.club.getClubAdminsById(clubs).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getClubMembersById
clubs = { id: '*****', access_token: '***********' } strava.club.getClubMembersById(clubs).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getLoggedInAthleteClubs
accessToken = { access_token: '************' } strava.club.getLoggedInAthleteClubs(accessToken).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getClubById
- getGPXRoute
route = { id: '*******', access_token: 'b*******************' } strava.Routes.getGPXRoute(route).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getTCXRoute
route = { id: '*******', access_token: 'b*******************' } strava.Routes.getTCXRoute(route).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getRoutes
route = { id: '*******', access_token: 'b*******************' } strava.Routes.getRoutes(route).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getGPXRoute
Running Race
- getRunningRaces
race = { year: 2019, // Year is Optional Field access_token: '*******************************' } strava.Race.getRunningRaces(race).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getRunningRaceById
raceByIds = { id: '*****', access_token: '***************' } strava.Race.getRunningRaceById(raceByIds).then((response) => console.log(response));
- getRunningRaces
segmentsData = { bounds: [37.8331119, -122.4834356, 37.8280722, -122.4981393], activity_type: 'running', min_cat: 1, max_cat: 1, access_token: '************************', } strava.Segments.exploreSegments(segmentsData).then(response => console.log(response)); activity_type, min_cat, max_cat are optional fields. access_token and bounds are required fields. bounds: The latitude and longitude for two points describing a rectangular boundary for the search: [southwest corner latitutde, southwest corner longitude, northeast corner latitude, northeast corner longitude] activity_type: 'running' or 'riding'
segmentsData = { page = 1, per_page = 30, access_token: '************************', } strava.Segments.getStarredSegments(segmentsData).then((response) => console.log(response)); page, per_page field are optional, Defautly it will take page value as 1 and per_page value as 30
segmentsData = { id: 229781, access_token: 'b3b4178badfc32ee5dcc4797e4d7ea1d7a42854b' } strava.Segments.getSegmentsById(segmentsData).then((response) => console.log(response));