A React code base under Typescript and SCSS style sheet to quickly start a React application
ReactTS Starter
A React code base under Typescript and SCSS style sheet to quickly start a React application, with preinstalled UI libraries such as: PrimeReact, PrimeFlex, ReactToastify. The folder structure is very easy to understand and makes it easy to integrate functionality (clean code approach). Easy installation and deployment (under Docker).
- Create your project < my-project-name > with npm
$ npm i --location=global @mandanyaina/reactts-starter
$ reactts-starter
? Name of your project : <my-project-name>
Choose the installation mode : (Use arrow keys)
❯ Docker-compose
Local npm
$ cd <my-project-name>/
- Download from git repository
$ git pull https://github.com/MandaNyAina/reactts-starter-code <my-project-name>
$ cd <my-project-name>/
Running with docker compose
$ cd my-project/
$ docker-compose run app npm start
Running Tests
To run tests of format and lint, run the following command
$ npm run format
$ npm run checkform
$ npm run lint
To run unit test, run the following command
$ npm run test
Environment Variables
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
= name of your project