realtime messenging library built with Google Firebase/MongoDB, for Node.js servers
core library for real-time messaging apps built with firebase/MongoDB
Building person to person messaging feature, is something which we have to consider many things ranging from db schema to proper storing/retrieval of conversation,messages. In fact it takes a considarable amount of time and effort to build/test one from scratch. I built this library as a solution to those problems, so everyone can put their effort on implementing important business logic of their applications. This library contains all necessary functions to,
- read and write new conversations
- read and write new messages
- listening to the updates of the conversations,messages.
Hope this library helps you.
Install the package with npm
npm install @maleeshagimshan98/infinite-messenger-core
Getting Started
I reccomend using a separate mongoDB database or firebase project for this messaging feature.
To start using this library, Import the package, create a new instance of MessengerCore
and initialize user with initUser()
. All required methods are described below.
const MessengerCore = require('infinite-messenger-core');
let firebaseConfig = { /*path/to/serviceAccountKey.json*/ };
//... your application
let messenger = new MessengerCore({dbDriver : 'firebase',dbConfig : firebaseConfig});
//... get user object from database (firebase/mongoDB),
//... returns false in case user does not exists.
let user = await messenger.initUser(/*user id*/);
Below are a list of methods available to consume.
- *retrieve user from database, returns false if user not exist- userId - user's id
- returns - void
- create a new user and store in the database- user - user object (refer to User section for more details)
- retrieve user's conversations from databaselistenToConversations(callback)
- listen to user's conversation updates. the passed callback is called whenever conversation update- callback - callback function
- start a new conversation- participants - Array of participating user data objects
- thread - object containing conversation id set by you
This library expects the users to be stored previousely in the database (firestore/mongoDB) for this particular library.
The user object should be in the following format.
let user = {
id : '', // string
name : '',
conversationsId : '' //... optional, if not provided, 'conv_' + id will be the default
profileImg : '', //... url to profile image - optional (default = ''),
permissions : [], //... optional (not used in the library)
isActive : false,
lastSeen : ''
If user does not exists in the database, create a user with newUser()
. See example below,
let user = await messenger.initUser(userId);
if (!user) {
await messenger.newUser({
id : '',
name : '',
profileImg : '',
Retrieve conversations
Once you initialized the MessengerCore
, get user from database with initUser(userId)
To get user's conversation once, call initThreads()
. To get updates continuesly, call listenToConversations(callback)
Received conversations (if any) are accessible via user.conversations()
let messenger = new MessengerCore({dbDriver : 'firebase',dbConfig : firebaseConfig});
await messenger.initUser(userId);
await messenger.initThreads();
let conversations = messenger.user.conversations(); //... get received conversations
============= example conversations object ==================
conversations = [
id : '12345612',
participants : ['00001','00002'],
started : '',
lastUpdated : '',
messages : []
Create new conversation
call newThread()
method as follows. This saves the conversation data for all participants. Pass participant user's data as below object. (Don't send current user as a participant, current user is automatically set as a participant)
//... participant object
id : "00002",
name : "test user 2",
conversationsId : "conv_00002"
{id : '123123'} //... object with conversation id
Get messages in a conversation
call listen() on conversation object to get new messages. Pass a callback function if you need to do something everytime new message arrive. updated messages object (with all messages) is passed to the callback as the first argument.
let conversations = messenger.user.conversations(); //... get received conversations
let chatWithFoo = conversations['foo']; //... conversation you want to listen for new messages
chatWithFoo.listen(messages => {
//... do something with messages
Send messages
call sendMessage()
in conversation object to send a message.
let conversations = messenger.user.conversations(); //... get received conversations
let chatWithFoo = conversations['foo']; //... conversation you want to send message
await chatWithFoo.sendMessage(
senderId : messenger.user.getId(),
content : "test from ui - for thread 123123"
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
- Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
- Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
- Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License
- email - ([email protected])