WebServer + Client for applications
Pork is a Web Server + Client Side framework. It's a base for a whole web application.
You just have to write a simple code
const Pork = require('@maldan/pork');
'projectName': 'My Project',
'version': '0.1a',
'port': 19800
Or you can also run a script to initialize base project, just run
npm explore @maldan/pork -- npm run porkinit
Now you have a base project with files and folders you need.
##Folder structure
- app
- app/api
- app/asset
- app/component
- app/page
- app/template
The app folder is just a root folder for all your project
Contain scripts for rest api. By default contains main.js script with just one method.
Can be accessed by url http://localhost:port/api/method_name
This folder contains all your assets available by web server. For example: js script, css styles, images, fonts and etc.
You can get any asset by url http://localhost:port/asset/asset_name
Contain components for web application. Each component is just a html pattern, but you can use EJS and also put any script and style in.
Contain pages for web application. By default contains only Main.js controller with one index method. The page can be access by url
it's a fully dynamically page without Web server.
Each page and method can be access without connection to a web server. But you can load pattern and then render it if you want.
Contain templates for a web application. Each template is just html pattern, but you can use EJS and also put any script and style in. Usually each template represent one page of application but you can use include and other functions. You can include header and footer template in your page, and also include various components.