Types for the rest of the packages
This package contains the types needed for the rest of the package. This gives the developer the opportunity to implement interfaces instead of using the default Accelerate implementation @makemydeal/cdk-dr-constructs
| Name | Description
| --- | ---
| ApplicationEnvironment | Allows for an array of environments to be passed to the CICD Synthesizer to set up the pipeline for the environments needed
| ConstructFactory | Generic Implementation of the Factory pattern we will use for some of the constructs. This will allow a factory to be passed instead of an instance, so the packages can construct the classes only when needed
| IEncryption | Interface for the Encryption Construct to get the Encryption Key used
| IIam | Interface for the IAM Construct to get the roles needed by the pipelines.
| ISsmProperties | Interface used to get SSM Values
| StackManager | Interfaces and Abstract class used to construct Managers. DRStackManagerProps, DRStackBuildActionProps, DRStackEnvironmentStackActionProps, DRStackCreateStackProps, DRStackManager
| IVpcConfig, IVpcConfigProps, ConstructFactoryVpc | Used to create a factory to generate VPC Configuration. It also contains a higher order function to create a ConstructFactory for VPC since VPC needs specific props to be constructed.
| PostmanIntegrationTestSettings | Settings needed to enable Postman Integration Tests
| SNS | Set of constructs used to either get a reference to an SNS topic or create a new one.
| ARecord | Construct to create an DNS A Record
import { ApplicationEnvironment } from '@makemydeal/cdk-types';
let environmentList: ApplicationEnvironment[] = [
environmentName: 'dev',
enableCrossOrigin: true
environmentName: 'qa'
environmentName: 'uat',
isCrossAccount: true
environmentName: 'production',
isCrossAccount: true,
isApprovalNeeded: true,
postActions: [] // do not call at the end now so we do not get ChangeAPI issues