Majora GraphQL API client
Schema Types
- Query
- Mutation
- Objects
- AccountMOPTBalance
- ApyResolved
- BlockExplorer
- BlockExplorerDetails
- BlockParamsResolved
- ChainGlobalTVL
- ChartPoint
- DefiYield
- ERC20
- EVMChain
- EVMChainContracts
- FeeCollectorTransaction
- FeeEpoch
- FeeReceiver
- FeeReceiverBalance
- FeeTotalSupply
- GetRebalancedWithdrawalQuoteOutput
- InvestList
- MOPTDeposit
- MOPTDepositHistory
- MajoraAccount
- MajoraBlock
- MajoraERC3525
- MajoraERC3525Shares
- MajoraERC3525SharesList
- MajoraPoint
- MajoraPositionManager
- MajoraPositionManagerType
- MajoraRanking
- MajoraRankingList
- MajoraTransaction
- MajoraVault
- MajoraVaultList
- MajoraVaultMiddleware
- MajoraVaultOperatorAccount
- MajoraVaultShares
- MajoraVaultSponsor
- MajoraVaultSponsoredBy
- MajoraVaultState
- NativeCurrency
- Operation
- OperationsResult
- Operator
- Oracle
- OracleTicker
- Portfolio
- PortfolioBalance
- Protocol
- RpcUrl
- RpcUrlHttp
- StrategInvest
- TransactionHistory
- TvlData
- UserProfile
- VaultStrategy
- VaultStrategyBlock
- VestingSchedule
- Inputs
- Scalars
Get user related data
The address of the user to retrieve the account for.
Return message to sign for term of service approval
The address of the user who needs to sign the terms of service.
Return user's assets in its wallet
The ID of the blockchain network where the assets are held.
The address of the user whose portfolio is to be fetched.
Return user's Majora points
The address of the user to retrieve Majora points for.
Return user's transactions history on Majora protocol
The address of the user whose transaction history is to be retrieved.
The offset from where the transactions should be fetched.
The number of transactions to retrieve.
The attribute to order the transactions by.
Whether the order should be ascending or descending.
Return oracles list
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
The maximum number of items to return.
The attribute by which the oracles should be ordered.
Determines whether the order is ascending (true) or descending (false).
Return oracles list for a specific chain
The chain ID for which the oracles should be retrieved.
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
The maximum number of items to return.
The attribute by which the oracles should be ordered.
Determines whether the order is ascending (true) or descending (false).
Return operations made by operators for a specific chain
The ID of the blockchain network.
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
The maximum number of items to return.
The attribute to order the results by.
Whether to sort results in ascending order.
Return operations made by operators for a specific vault
The ID of the blockchain network.
The vault address to retrieve the operations for.
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
The maximum number of items to return.
The attribute to order the results by.
Whether to sort results in ascending order.
Return operations made by operators for a specific payer
The address of the payer.
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
The maximum number of items to return.
The attribute to order the results by.
Whether to sort results in ascending order.
Return MOPT deposit history for a specific address
The address of the user to retrieve deposit history for.
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
The maximum number of items to return.
Return operators list for a specific chain
The ID of the blockchain network.
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
The maximum number of items to return.
The attribute to order the results by.
Whether to sort results in ascending order.
Return available blocks for a specific chain
The ID of the blockchain network where the blocks are held.
Return a specific block
The ID of the blockchain network where the block is held.
The unique identifier of the block.
Return blocks by protocol ID
The ID of the blockchain network where the blocks are held.
The protocol ID used to filter blocks.
Return resolved parameters for a specific block and configuration
The ID of the blockchain network where the block is held.
The address of the block contract.
The arguments required for resolving block parameters.
Return a list of protocol blocks
Return chains where Majora is deployed
Return chain where Majora is deployed
The ID of the blockchain network where the assets are held.
Return all feeReceivers claimable by an address
The address of the user to retrieve claimable rewards for.
Return all feeReceivers claimed by an address and epochId
The address of the user to retrieve claimed rewards for.
The epoch ID for which to retrieve claimed rewards.
Return total fee supply for each contract
Return rewards for a specific user
The address of the user to retrieve rewards for.
Return all fee epochs with associated fee receivers
Return all fee receivers
Return transactions executed by the fee collector
Not implemented yet
The chain ID to retrieve transactions for.
Return vaults for a specific chain
The ID of the blockchain network where the assets are held.
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
The maximum number of items to return.
The attribute by which to order the results.
Whether to order the results in ascending order.
Return a specific vault
The ID of the blockchain network where the vault is held.
The address of the vault.
Return a vault list
Return vaults sponsorized by a specific address
Return sponsors of a specific vault
Return result of a vault search string
Return vaults holded by a user
Return vaults owned by a user
Return total TVL deposited by a user in Strateg protocol
Return total TVL deposited in user's owned strategies
Return total unique users who's deposited on specified user's strategies
Return all time total creator fees earned
Return the status of a specific vault
The ID of the blockchain network where the vault is held.
The address of the vault.
Return the total TVL of Majora
Return total number of distinct users who deposited on vaults
Return the average APY on global TVL
Return the most valuable vaults
The maximum number of most valuable vaults to return.
Return a list of vaults
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
The maximum number of items to return.
The attribute by which to order the vaults.
Whether to order the results in ascending order.
Return ERC3525 shares owned by a user
The address of the user to retrieve shares for.
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
The maximum number of items to return.
The attribute by which to order the shares.
Whether to order the results in ascending order.
Return user's tvl for vault
The address of the owner to retrieve TVL data for.
The address of the vault to retrieve TVL data for.
Return a quote for withdrawal rebalance from operators
Input data for generating a withdrawal rebalance quote.
Return the vesting schedule for a specific beneficiary
The address of the beneficiary to retrieve the vesting schedule for.
Return the ranking by address
The address of the address to retrieve the ranking for.
Return the leaderboard with pagination and optional ordering by attributes
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
The maximum number of items to return.
The attribute to order the results by. Can be rank, address, points, tvl, or vault_tvl.
Whether to sort the results in ascending order.
Return the list of supported chain IDs for the DeFi explorer
Return the list of supported chain IDs for a specific protocol in the DeFi explorer
The protocol ID to retrieve chain IDs for.
Return the list of protocol IDs supported by the DeFi explorer
Return the list of DeFi pools based on the search criteria
The search criteria for retrieving DeFi pools.
Return the details of a specific DeFi pool
The ID of the blockchain network where the pool exists.
The project name associated with the DeFi pool.
The pool ID to retrieve details for.
Return the historical data for a specific DeFi pool
The ID of the pool to retrieve history for.
The start time in UNIX timestamp for retrieving the history.
The end time in UNIX timestamp for retrieving the history.
Post Term of Service signature. Return true if post is successful
The address of the user signing the terms of service.
The signature provided by the user for the terms of service.
Mutation to store block's metadata
The metadata input for the block to be stored on IPFS.
Mutation to store vault's metadata
The metadata input for the vault to be stored on IPFS.
Mutation to store block's resolvers
The name of the resolver to be stored on IPFS.
The code of the resolver to be stored on IPFS.
User MOPT balance
The chain object of the balance
The amount of MOPT
APY resolver result
The apy of the block
The tvl of the block
The reward tokens of the block
EVM Chain Block Explorer
The default block explorer details
EVM Chain Block Explorer Details
The name of the block explorer
The URL of the block explorer
Block resolvers result
The params resolved of the block
The apy resolved of the block
MajoraTVL related to a chain
The chain object
The TVL of the chain
MajoraVault charts
The timestamp of the chart point
The value of the chart point
This object contains information about the yield on a specific protocol
The chain id of the protocol
The chain object of the protocol
The pool id of the yield source
The address(es) of the yield source
The project name of the yield source
The symbol of the yield source
The total value locked of the yield source
The base apy of the yield source
The underlying tokens of the yield source
The underlying assets objects of the yield source
The reward tokens of the yield source
The reward assets objects of the yield source
The total supply in USD of the yield source
The total borrow in USD of the yield source
The debt ceiling in USD of the yield source
The base borrow apy of the yield source
The ltv of the yield source
The url of the yield source
True if the yield source is borrowable
The minted coin of the yield source
The apy of the yield source
The reward apy of the yield source
The reward apy of the yield source
The apy of the yield source on the previous 7 days
The fake reward apy of the yield source
The fake apy borrow reward of the yield source
The apy of the yield source since inception
The date of the metric scrape
ERC20 Asset
The chain id of the asset
The address of the asset
The name of the asset
The symbol of the asset
The decimals of the asset
The chain object of the asset
The price of the asset in USD
The logo uri of the asset
EVM Chain
The id of the chain
The name of the chain
The network of the chain
The native currency of the chain
The rpc urls of the chain
The block explorers of the chain
The contracts of the chain
EVM Chain
The access manager address
The block registry address
The MOPT address
The operator proxy address
The operator data aggregator address
The portal address
The position manager factory address
The user interaction address
The vault factory address
The asset buffer address
The main fee collector address
The fee distributor address
The StkMAJ address
The StkMAJLP address
The StkMAJLocked address
The Majora token address
The Majora token vesting address
Fee collector transaction
The transaction id
The transaction amount
The transaction route
The transaction source asset
The transaction target asset
The transaction from chain
The transaction to chain
The transaction created at
Main Fee Collector epochs
The id of the fee epoch
The fees collected of the fee epoch
The total weight of the fee epoch
The starting timestamp date of the epoch
The ending timestamp date of the epoch
List of Fee Receivers
Fee receiver
The name of the fee receiver
The id of the fee receiver
The epoch id of the fee receiver
The weight of the fee receiver
The address of the fee receiver
The reward amount of the fee receiver
The total supply of the fee receiver
The date of the fee receiver
Fee receiver balance
The id of the fee receiver balance
The address of the fee receiver balance
The epoch id of the fee receiver balance
The address of the fee receiver
The amount of the fee receiver balance
The reward amount of the fee receiver balance
The reward claimed of the fee receiver balance
The name of