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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




A TypeScript library for using Monero




Monero TypeScript Library

A TypeScript library for creating Monero applications using RPC and WebAssembly bindings to monero v0.18.3.3 'Fluorine Fermi'.

  • Supports client-side wallets in Node.js and the browser using WebAssembly.
  • Supports wallet and daemon RPC clients.
  • Supports multisig, view-only, and offline wallets.
  • Wallet types are interchangeable by conforming to a common interface.
  • Uses a clearly defined data model and API specification intended to be intuitive and robust.
  • Query wallet transactions, transfers, and outputs by their properties.
  • Fetch and process binary data from the daemon (e.g. raw blocks).
  • Receive notifications when blocks are added to the chain or when wallets sync, send, or receive.
  • Over 300 passing Mocha tests.


Sample code

// import monero-ts (or import types individually)
import moneroTs from "monero-ts";

// connect to daemon
let daemon = await moneroTs.connectToDaemonRpc("http://localhost:28081");
let height = await daemon.getHeight();        // 1523651
let txsInPool = await daemon.getTxPool();     // get transactions in the pool

// create wallet from mnemonic phrase using WebAssembly bindings to monero-project
let walletFull = await moneroTs.createWalletFull({
  path: "sample_wallet_full"
  password: "supersecretpassword123",
  networkType: moneroTs.MoneroNetworkType.TESTNET,
  seed: "hefty value scenic...",
  restoreHeight: 573936,
  server: { // provide url or MoneroRpcConnection
    uri: "http://localhost:28081",
    username: "superuser",
    password: "abctesting123"

// synchronize with progress notifications
await walletFull.sync(new class extends moneroTs.MoneroWalletListener {
  async onSyncProgress(height: number, startHeight: number, endHeight: number, percentDone: number, message: string) {
    // feed a progress bar?
} as moneroTs.MoneroWalletListener);

// synchronize in the background every 5 seconds
await walletFull.startSyncing(5000);

// receive notifications when funds are received, confirmed, and unlocked
let fundsReceived = false;
await walletFull.addListener(new class extends moneroTs.MoneroWalletListener {
  async onOutputReceived(output: moneroTs.MoneroOutputWallet) {
    let amount = output.getAmount();
    let txHash = output.getTx().getHash();
    let isConfirmed = output.getTx().getIsConfirmed();
    let isLocked = output.getTx().getIsLocked();
    fundsReceived = true;

// connect to wallet RPC and open wallet
let walletRpc = await moneroTs.connectToWalletRpc("http://localhost:28084", "rpc_user", "abc123");
await walletRpc.openWallet("sample_wallet_rpc", "supersecretpassword123");
let primaryAddress = await walletRpc.getPrimaryAddress(); // 555zgduFhmKd2o8rPUz...
let balance = await walletRpc.getBalance();   // 533648366742
let txs = await walletRpc.getTxs();           // get transactions containing transfers to/from the wallet

// send funds from RPC wallet to WebAssembly wallet
let createdTx = await walletRpc.createTx({
  accountIndex: 0,
  address: await walletFull.getAddress(1, 0),
  amount: 250000000000n, // send 0.25 XMR (denominated in atomic units)
  relay: false // create transaction and relay to the network if true
let fee = createdTx.getFee(); // "Are you sure you want to send... ?"
await walletRpc.relayTx(createdTx); // relay the transaction

// recipient receives unconfirmed funds within 5 seconds
await new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, 5000); });

// save and close WebAssembly wallet
await walletFull.close(true);

Using monero-ts in your project

  1. cd your_project or mkdir your_project && cd your_project && npm init
  2. npm install monero-ts
  3. Add import moneroTs from "monero-ts" in your application code (or import types individually).

Running in Node.js

Node 20 LTS is recommended. Alternatively, Node 16 and 18 LTS work using the --experimental-wasm-threads flag.

To avoid the error "Failed to parse URL from /path/to/file.wasm" on Node.js >16:

  1. Pass the --no-experimental-fetch flag to node.
  2. Set OpenSSL legacy provider:
    • Unix: export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
    • Windows: set NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

Building a browser application

  1. Bundle your application code for a browser. See xmr-sample-app for an example project using webpack.
  2. Copy assets from ./dist to your web app's build directory.

Using RPC servers:

  1. Download and install Monero CLI.
  2. Start monerod, e.g.: ./monerod --stagenet (or use a remote daemon).
  3. Start monero-wallet-rpc, e.g.: ./monero-wallet-rpc --daemon-address http://localhost:38081 --stagenet --rpc-bind-port 38084 --rpc-login rpc_user:abc123 --wallet-dir ./


Building WebAssembly binaries from source

This project uses WebAssembly to package and execute Monero's source code for a browser or other WebAssembly-supported environment.

Compiled WebAssembly binaries are committed to ./dist for convenience, but these files can be built independently from source code:

  1. Install and activate emscripten.
    1. Clone emscripten repository: git clone
    2. cd emsdk
    3. git pull && ./emsdk install 3.1.10 && ./emsdk activate 3.1.10 && source ./
    4. export EMSCRIPTEN=path/to/emsdk/upstream/emscripten (change for your system)
  2. Clone monero-ts repository: git clone --recursive
  3. cd monero-ts
  4. ./bin/
  5. Modify ./external/monero-cpp/external/monero-project/src/crypto/wallet/CMakeLists.txt from set(MONERO_WALLET_CRYPTO_LIBRARY "auto" ... to set(MONERO_WALLET_CRYPTO_LIBRARY "cn" ....
  6. Build the monero-cpp submodule (located at ./external/monero-cpp) by following instructions for your system. This will ensure all dependencies are installed. Be sure to install unbound 1.19.0 to your home directory (~/unbound-1.19.0).
  7. ./bin/ (install monero-project dependencies as needed for your system)

Running tests

  1. Clone the project repository: git clone
  2. cd monero-ts
  3. Start RPC servers:
    1. Download and install Monero CLI.
    2. Start monerod, e.g.: ./monerod --testnet (or use a remote daemon).
    3. Start monero-wallet-rpc, e.g.: ./monero-wallet-rpc --daemon-address http://localhost:38081 --testnet --rpc-bind-port 28084 --rpc-login rpc_user:abc123 --wallet-dir ./
  4. Configure the appropriate RPC endpoints, authentication, and other settings in TestUtils.ts (e.g. WALLET_RPC_CONFIG and DAEMON_RPC_CONFIG).

Running tests in Node.js

  • Run all tests: npm test
  • Run tests by their description, e.g.: npm run test -- --grep "Can get transactions"

Running tests in a browser

  1. Start monero-wallet-rpc servers used by tests: ./bin/
  2. In another terminal, build browser tests: ./bin/
  3. Access http://localhost:8080/tests.html in a browser to run all tests

Related projects


This project is licensed under MIT.


If this library brings you value, please consider donating.