Axios adapter using Chrome Extensions Messaging to perform requests from the background page.
Axios adapter to pass the requests to a Chrome Extension background script. Useful to avoid CORB in content scripts.
More informations about CORB here and here.
Getting Started
This axios adapter is only intended to be used in Chrome extensions, it simply forwards axios requests to the background script, using the chrome.runtime.sendMessage(...)
With npm (or yarn)
$ npm install --save axios-chrome-messaging-adapter
$ # Or
$ yarn add axios-chrome-messaging-adapter
With a CDN
Axios must be available as a global object so you'll need to import it from a CDN too, we use unpkg here as an example.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/axios.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/axios-chrome-messaging-adapter.min.js"></script>
Quick start
If you are using a bundler, like webpack or rollup:, you'll just need to require
the lib. If you are using a CDN, the lib will be available under window.axiosChromeMessagingAdapter
In your background script:
import axios from 'axios';
import { registerMessageHandler } from 'axios-chrome-messaging-adapter';
// register the adapter message hanlder
In your content script:
import axios from 'axios'
import { adapter } from 'axios-chrome-messaging-adapter'
// tell axios to use the adapter for this request
const axiosInstance = axios.create({
... // the rest of your configuration :)
Known limitations
The adapter is currently incompatible with the following axios parameters:
- paramsSerializer
- onUploadProgress
- onDownloadProgress
- cancelToken
This limitation is due to the fact that only scalar values can pass through the chrome messaging API, making these callbacks functions unavailable for the moment.
If one of these options is used, it will be ignored and the content script will emit a warning.
Clone the project to the directory and install dependencies
$ git clone https://github.com/dzetah/axios-chrome-messaging-adapter
$ cd axios-chrome-messaging-adapter
$ yarn # or npm install
$ npm i --no-save axios # install axios peer dependency
Start typescript compilation in watch mode
$ npm run watch