macore is a nodejs core using typescript and express
Description (V 0.0.7)
Macore is a framework for building easy , fast and MultiLangual Node.js server-side applications. It uses modern JavaScript, is built with TypeScript and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP (Functional Programming) , DP (Design Patterns)
Table Of Macore Features
Quick Start
- 1 - Install This nodejs Module From npm using :
npm i --save @mahdi.js/macore
- 2 - Create Your start.js|ts With Below Code :
//TypeScript :
import App from 'macore'
//javascript :
const App = require('macore')
// Also You Can Config view+session+cookie !
port ,
host ,
viewConfig , // config OR {} OR Null(if you not need view)
sessionConfig , // config OR {} OR Null(if you not need session)
cookieConfig , // config OR {} OR Null(if you not need cookie)
true // MongoConnection => true OR false ,
MultiLingualConfig // config OR Null (if you not need i18Next[MultiLingual])
- 3 - Your Macore App Configured !
//const app = new App(port , host , ...)
app.route("/" , Request_Methods.GET , (req:Request , res:Response , next:NextFunction) => {res.send("Hello Macore")})
Macore Validator is Using class-validator 1-Create Your dto(data transfer object) file , Example : Signin.dto.ts
import { IsString, Length } from 'class-validator';
export default class SigninDto {
public name!: string;
2-Set This Dto To Your app as a midleware
app.route("/" , Request_Methods.POST , MacoreValidator(SignInDto) , Controller)
* also you can pass your callback url if you are using view
* this will be rediredct to callbackUrl
app.route("/" , Request_Methods.POST , MacoreValidator(SignInDto , "/home") , Controller)
This is Really Can Help You in any projects
Note: you can cancel several requests with the same cancel token.
Send Any Request Using axios inside this package
import {ApiService} from '@mahdi.js/macore'
const apiInstance = new ApiService("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/")
await apiInstance.callService("todos/1" , Request_Methods.GET)
//Also You Can Send Type of your Request & Response in Typescript
await apiInstance.callService<RequestInterface , ResponseInterface>("todos/1" , Request_Methods.GET)
console.log With Fucking Great TextColors!
You Can Read Document Inside chalk
import {ch} from '@mahdi.js/macore'
console.log(ch.red("Hello With Red Color"))
Create MultiLingual Server-side App Easssssyyyy 1 - Config : this example for an english + spanish Server-side app
new App(... , {
lng : "en" ,
fallbackLng : "en" ,
preload : ["en" , "es"] ,
saveMissing : false ,
load : "languageOnly" ,
resources : {
en : {translation : {"greeting" : "Hello {{name}}" ,
es : {translation : {"greeting" : "Hallo {{name}} "}}
2 - Use it Using app.t Function
"greeting" ,
"en" , //This Lang
{name : "Mahdi"} // For pass Value Of {{name}}
Also You Can Use it as Middleware or something else For Example , This is Your Middleware
function (req , res , next) {
this.app.changeLanguage(req.query.lang || "en")
In This Version You Just Can Use MongoORM in the future we use typeORM :)
1 - Create a File For Your Model , Example : User.ts
import {MongoBaseRepository} from "@mahdi.js/macore/utils/mongo";
import {CustomSchemaDefinition} from "@mahdi.js/macore/types/mongo";
export interface IUsers {
name : string
class User extends MongoBaseRepository<IUsers>{
definition(): CustomSchemaDefinition<IUsers> {
return {
name : {type : String , required : true}
protected initiateIndexes(): void {}
protected initiatePlugins(): void {}
export default new User("users")
2- End! , Use EveryWhere :)
const users = await User.find({})