Simple functions to facilitate discord bot development
Magicyan Discord
Simple functions to facilitate discord bot development
Also exports all @magicyan/core functions
Install with
npm install @magicyan/discord
Easily create action rows
import { createRow } from "@magicyan/discord";
const row = createRow(
new ButtonBuilder(/* button data... */),
new ButtonBuilder(/* button data... */),
new ButtonBuilder(/* button data... */),
const selectRow = createRow(
new StringSelectMenuBuilder(/* select data... */)
interaction.reply({ components: [row, selectRow] });
Create a link button quickly
import { createRow, createLinkButton } from "@magicyan/discord";
const row = createRow(
createLinkButton({ label: "Github", url: "https://github.com/rinckodev" })
createLinkButton({ label: "Youtube", url: "https://youtube.com/@rinckodev" })
interaction.reply({ components: [row] });
A row only supports a single input, so use this function that already creates it within a row
import { createModalInput } from "@magicyan/discord";
const modal = new ModalBuilder({
customId: "my/modal",
title: "My modal",
components: [
customId: "name",
label: "Name",
style: TextInputStyle.Short,
customId: "age",
label: "Age",
style: TextInputStyle.Short,
Or if you prefer, you can create a record where the key is the customId
import { createModalFields } from "@magicyan/discord";
const modal = new ModalBuilder({
customId: "my/modal",
title: "My modal",
components: createModalFields({
name: {
label: "Name",
style: TextInputStyle.Short,
label: "Age",
style: TextInputStyle.Short,
Don't forget that you can define the custom id however you want
["my-custom-input-name"]: {
label: "Name",
style: TextInputStyle.Short,
You can transform the fields received from the interaction into a record
import { modalFieldsToRecord } from "@magicyan/discord";
function run(interaction: ModalSubmitInteraction){
const fields = modalFieldsToRecord(interaction.fields);
It is also possible to pass a union type in the function generic
type FormFields = "id" | "nickname" | "bio";
function run(interaction: ModalSubmitInteraction){
const fields = modalFieldsToRecord<FormFields>(interaction.fields);
Easily create embeds with this function
const embed = createEmbed({
title: "Welcome",
description: "Hello world",
color: "Random"
You can set the thumbnail and image in a simple way
const embed = createEmbed({
// ...
thumbnail: "https://github.com/rinckodev.png",
image: guild.iconURL()
// Or passing an options object
const embed = createEmbed({
// ...
image: { url: "imageurl", width: 400, height: 100 }
//Or passing an attachment
const attachment = new AttachmentBuilder(buffer, { name: "myimage.png" });
const embed = createEmbed({
// ...
image: attachment // attachment://myimage.png
You can try to get information from a channel url
import { getChannelUrlInfo } from "@magicyan/discord";
const url = "https://discord.com/channels/537817462272557057/832829213651763210";
const { guildId, channelId } = getChannelUrlInfo(url);
console.log(guildId); // 537817462272557057
console.log(channelId); // 832829213651763210
If the url does not follow the pattern of a discord channel url, the return will be an empty object
const url = "https://github.com/rinckodev";
const { guildId, channelId } = getChannelUrlInfo(url);
console.log(guildId); // undefined
console.log(channelId); // undefined
Find a guild channel easily with the findChannel function
import { findChannel } from "@magicyan/discord";
function run(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction<"cached">){
const { guild } = interaction;
const channel = findChannel(guild).byId("832829213651763210");
channel // TextChannel | undefined
This function searches for channels in the guild cache, by default it tries to find channels of the GuildText type, but you can change it to any type of guild channel
const channel = findChannel(guild, ChannelType.GuildVoice).byId("832829213651763210");
// VoiceChannel | undefined
You can find channels in other ways
const general = findChannel(guild).byName("general");
const updates = findChannel(guild, ChannelType.GuildAnnouncement).byName("updates");
const lounge = findChannel(guild, ChannelType.GuildVoice).byName("Lounge 01");
const popular = findChannel(guild, ChannelType.GuildStageVoice).byFilter(f => f.members.size >= 12);
const hotforum = findChannel(guild, ChannelType.GuildForum).byFilter(f => f.threads.cache.size >= 100);
general; // TextChannel | undefined
updates; // NewsChannel | undefined
lounge; // VoiceChannel | undefined
popular; // StageChannel | undefined
hotforum; // ForumChannel | undefined
Find a channel in a category easily
const ticket = findChannel(guild)
ticket; // TextChannel | undefined
Find guild roles easily
import { findRole } from "@magicyan/discord";
function run(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction<"cached">){
const { guild } = interaction;
const memberRole = findRole(guild).byName("Member");
const adminRole = findRole(guild).byHexColor("#ff5454");
const leaderRole = findRole(guild).byId("537818031728885771");
memberRole // Role | undefined
adminRole // Role | undefined
leaderRole // Role | undefined
Find guild members easily
import { findMember } from "@magicyan/discord";
function run(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction<"cached">){
const { guild } = interaction;
const finder = findMember(guild);
const member = finder.byId("264620632644255745")
?? finder.byUsername("rincko")
?? finder.byGlobalName("Rincko")
?? finder.byNickname("RinckoZ_");
member; // GuildMember | undefined
You can try to get information from a channel url
import { getMessageUrlInfo } from "@magicyan/discord";
const url = "https://discord.com/channels/537817462272557057/1101949941712171078/1101950570035691530";
const { guildId, channelId, messageId } = getMessageUrlInfo(url);
console.log(guildId); // 537817462272557057
console.log(channelId); // 1101949941712171078
console.log(messageId); // 1101950570035691530
Find a command easily
import { findCommand } from "@magicyan/discord";
function run(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction<"cached">){
const { client } = interaction;
const command = findCommand(client).byName("register");
command; // ApplicationCommand | undefined
Find a emoji easily
import { findEmoji } from "@magicyan/discord";
function run(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction<"cached">){
const { client } = interaction;
const emoji = findEmoji(client).byName("discord");
emoji; // GuildEmoji | undefined
Extract the id of any mention
import { extractMentionId } from "@magicyan/discord";
const user = "<@264620632644255745>";
const channel = "<#1068689068256403457>";
const role = "<@&929925182796226632>";
extractMentionId(user) // 264620632644255745
extractMentionId(channel) // 1068689068256403457
extractMentionId(role) // 929925182796226632